B’nai Amoona partners with north St. Louis church on April 12 concert
Published April 2, 2015
BRIDGES — a concert to foster conversation between an African-American Baptist congregation in north St. Louis and a synagogue in west St. Louis County — is scheduled for 3 p.m. Sunday, April 12 at New Sunny Mount Baptist Church, 4700 West Florissant Avenue.
Under the direction of Minister of Music Anita Watkins-Stevens, the award-winning New Sunny Mount Baptist Church Chancel Choir will perform with Cantor Sharon Nathanson and a group from B’nai Amoona, as well as critically acclaimed flutist Don Hulbert and distinguished pianist Stan Ford.
“The concert is a coming together of diverse religious institutions that share a deep love of music and the arts,” said Dr. Laura Goldmeier, Chairperson of the B’nai Amoona Social Action Committee and one of the prime organizers of the event.
“BRIDGES will celebrate the vibrant spirituality of these two congregations while raising funds for both institutions and Cultural Leadership, an organization that brings together African-American and Jewish teens to become leaders in the for social justice, inclusion and the end to discrimination,” Goldmeier said.
The program will include traditional African-American and Jewish music selections from the Chancel Choir and Nathanson, who has served B’nai Amoona since 2003. Hulbert and Ford will perform works from Paul Schoenfeld and Francis Pouline.
“In light of recent events in Ferguson, the opportunity to perform together with Stan, the choir and Cantor Nathanson for such a socially redeeming cause will hopefully strengthen the dialogue between our respective communities,” said Hulbert, who has been friends with Ford since college, and is Goldmeier’s brother.
“Music and the arts are vital components of the worship experience at New Sunny Mount,” said Watkins-Stevens. “And the Cantor always says that music is the divine language, reaching the depths of our souls even as it opens the gates of heaven.”
The concert is free but a suggested donation is $20 per person.
For more information about the concert, call the B’nai Amoona office at 314-576-9990 ext 126, or visit bnaiamoona.com.