Roughly 25 people attended the unveiling and dedication of the Michael Staenberg Lobby at Epstein Hebrew Academy on Monday, Nov. 25. While Staenberg has been a long-time supporter of the Jewish day school in Olivette over the past four years, “he has dedicated much of his own time and resources to helping us beautify our new campus,” said Caroline Goldenberg, Epstein development associate.

In honor of Epstein’s 80th anniversary in May 2023, Rabbi Shmuel Miller, head of school, and Goldenberg launched a naming and dedication campaign for the spaces on Epstein’s campus. Staenberg was the first to dedicate a space (the lobby) in that campaign; to date there are nine total dedicated spaces at the school.
Epstein’s immediate past president, Max Gornish, worked closely with Staenberg on the improvement of the school’s facilities. On the plaque that Epstein gave to Staenberg to thank him, there was a line from the Torah that translates to “that which you do, do it in a beautiful manner.”