Bais Abraham offers creative programming for High Holidays


Today’s era of supercharged lives leads many to rush into the High Holidays. In anticipation of this time, Bais Abraham Congregation plans to continue its tradition of utilizing old practices while incorporating new innovative ways to reconnect during the season.

“Often people just jump into the season and don’t take the time in preparation for reflection and repentance,” said Bais Abraham Rabbi Hyim Shafner.


Shafner will lead the annual pre-High Holiday nature hike, study, and meditation session at Babler State Park Visitor Center on Labor Day, Sept. 3 at 10 a.m.

“The changing of the season reflects the season as we look for the meaning of our lives and seek inspiration,” Rabbi Shafner explained.

The next evening, Tuesday, Sept. 4 from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., seekers can take a walk along a “spiritual brick road” with Rabbi Shafner to explore the inner transformation the High Holidays bring. The walks were launched several years ago.

To attract those who find themselves lost or intimidated by the ongoing services in Hebrew, Bais Abraham will offer English Yom Kippur Learning Services facilitated by rabbinic intern Daniel Braune Friedman. The services will be held Saturday, Sept. 22 from 4 – 6 p.m. in the Beit Midrash. According to Rabbi Shafner, approximately 25 to 30 percent of the congregation may not know Hebrew.

“We are a very open congregation and this makes the services very inclusive. The traditional service in Hebrew will be in one area while those who need the English translation can participate in another room,” he said.

A Rosh Hashanah Explanatory Prayer Class will be held a little past 11 a.m., following the first sounds of the shofar. The class will be facilitated by Rabbi Hershey Novack.

Complimentary babysitting services will be offered throughout the season. For more information on any of these activities or the annual pre-High Holiday Nature Hike, please call Bais Abe at 314-721-3030 or email them at [email protected].