Bais Abraham hosts scholars-in-residence Nov. 21-22

Bais Abraham will welcome Michael and Mona Fishbane as Scholars-in-Residence Nov. 21-22. 

Michael Fishbane is author of numerous books on the bible and Jewish thought, and serves as the Nathan Cummings Distinguished Service Professor of Jewish Studies at the University of Chicago. He is especially interested in Jewish Bible interpretation and theology over the centuries, and has written works that bring these teachings to the larger community. His book on the weekly and festival Haftarot has been widely used for the past decade; and his “JPS Commentary on the Song of Songs” (featuring all traditional levels of interpretation) will appear next March, before Passover. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Mona Fishbane is a clinical psychologist in private practice, and director of couple therapy training at the Chicago Center for Family Health. She lectures nationally and internationally and has published articles on couples and couple therapy, intergenerational family relationships and the neurobiology of love and long-term relationships. Her 2013 book, “Loving with the Brain in Mind: Neurobiology & Couple Therapy,” is part of the Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology. She has a particular interest in integrating values from the Jewish tradition with emerging wisdom from neuroscience and relationship science. 

The scholar-in-residence weekend will include:

• Shalom Shabbat – Friday night (mincha 4:30 p.m., Kabbalat Shabbat 5 p.m., dinner to follow). After a Shabbat dinner, Michael Fishbane will speak about, “What is Jewish Theology and Why is it Important? Some Historical and Contemporary Considerations.” RSVPs are required for Friday night dinnerat 314-721-3030 or [email protected] (or RSVP and pay online at The cost is $17 for adults and $7 for children ($40 maximum per family).

• Lunch and Learn following Shabbat morning services. Michael Fishbane will build on one of the themes in the parshah as it is taken up (building on the Midrash and Zohar) in two Hasidic sources. Free and no RSVP  required. Sponsored by Rosalind and Sanford Neuman in memory of Harry Neuman. 

Malaveh Malka at 7:30 p.m. Saturday. Mona Fishbane will speak on “Being a Mensch in Marriage: What Neuroscience & Relationship Science Can Teach Us About Nurturing Long-Term Love” in a presentation co-sponsored by Nishmah: The St. Louis Jewish Women’s Project (a program of the Jewish Community Center). She will explore new research from neuroscience and relationship science that sheds light on the challenges of long-term love. She will share insights from neurobiology that are reflected in wisdom from the Jewish tradition. A $5 donation is suggested. Books will be available for purchase, signed by the authors. 

Bais Abraham is located at 6910 Delmar Boulevard in University City. For more information, visit or call 314-721-3030.