Anything Grants awarded to 17 local Jewish organizations

This year, 21 applications were received, representing over $89,000 in funding requests. The 2022 projects being funded include new computer equipment and Wi-Fi access points, exterior security cameras and lighting, mental health and well-being programs. 

Anything Grants are awarded by the Staenberg Family Foundation, a supporting foundation of the Jewish Federation of St. Louis. Each grant will be equal to 50 percent of the project budget; organizations are responsible for raising the remaining 50 percent from other sources. 

With the matching grants the recipients raise, these grants will bring $115,000 new dollars into the St. Louis Jewish community.

The 2022 Anything Grant 


• Agudas Israel of St. Louis – Technology Upgrade to Improve Operations

• Bais Abraham Congregation – The Safer Torah Initiative

• Crown Center for Senior Living – Essential Equipment Upgrades

• Esther Miller Bais Yaakov – Mental Health and Well-Being Program

• Jewish Community Relations Council St. Louis – Technology Request for Hybrid Meetings

• Jewish Family Services of St. Louis – Process Improvement for Food Distribution

• Shirlee Green Preschool/Congregation Shaare Emeth – The Body Lab (Playspace Equipment)

• Kol Rinah – Entrance Exterior Lighting

• National Council of Jewish Women St. Louis – Technology for Hybrid Meeting

• New Mt. Sinai Cemetery – Mausoleum Art Glass Restoration Project

• Maryville University Hillel – Muslims and Jews in Conversation (MAJIC)

• Saul Mirowitz Jewish Community School – Rain Mitigation Project

• Shevet Keshet – Friends of Israel Scouts – Educational Enrichment: Leadership Seminars and Hebrew Instruction

• Shir Hadash Reconstructionist Community – Reconstructing Judaism for American Life (4-Part Series)

• Temple Emanuel – New Computers and Wi-Fi Access Points

• Traditional Congregation of Creve Coeur – New Sukkah

• UCity Shul – Exterior Security Cameras

A lay advisory committee reviewed all applications and made recommendations to the Staenberg Family Foundation Board of Directors, who made the final decisions. Grant recipients must complete their projects by May 2 in order to receive funds. 

Contact Marla Guggenheimer at [email protected] or 314-442-3764 for more information about the Anything Grants.