America’s Top Rebbetzin podcast features two St. Louisans

Mimi David (left) and D’vorah Miller

ELLEN FUTTERMAN, Editor-in-Chief

Vera Kessler recently started a new Jewish podcast that covers a variety of different topics, including parenting, marriage and building a Jewish home. Called America’s Top Rebbetzins, it includes two local rebbetzins (a rabbi’s spouse) from St. Louis, D’vorah Miller and Mimi David.

“I feel passionate about connecting Jewish women to each other, to Hashem and to themselves,” said Kessler, a Jewish mother of three from New Rochelle, N.Y. “(The podcast) features inspiring and powerful interviews with wise Jewish women who share golden nuggets of wisdom and practical tips that we can put into place to make our marriages better, sharpen our parenting skills and build beautiful and spiritual Jewish homes. ATR (America’s Top Rebbetzins) is one-stop shopping for Jewish learning geared specifically to women.”

David, who is married to Rabbi Yosef David, said Kessler called her “out of the blue” to see if she was interested in participating. 

“I Googled her to see if it was legit, and it turns out it is,” said David, who said Kessler saw video lectures David had made for during the pandemic. 

“She asked me to think of a topic that is important to me, and I said women being proud of being women and embracing their femininity,” added David. “Being female means we have certain things that are unique as well as universal about us that are great.”

Since starting in October, Kessler said she has about 50 ATR podcasts available to listen to or watch on her YouTube channel. Below are a couple of links to the local ones:

• America’s Top Rebbetzins with D’Vorah Miller, spouse of Rabbi Shmuel Miller, head of school at Epstein Hebrew Academy:

• America’s Top Rebbetzins YouTube with Mimi David: