New opportunities for love

By Laurie Goldberg

I had a whirlwind three days with my date’s visit. In deference to his privacy, I won’t say anything about it except we both had a very good time and at the end of his visit we both were disappointed to agree that we are better off being friends. I definitely learned from the experience. Every date is an opportunity to learn, and even if you already think you know exactly what you want, you can be surprised.

So now what? For starters, I got a phone call while my friend was here from my personal matchmaker on the website I belong to (gotta love this dating site!) and she said I have a match who is anxious to talk to me and she asked me to log in and take a look.

It feels good that as soon as my friend left, there’s a new possibility around the corner. It’s a feeling that my dating life is active, and I don’t have too much time to dwell on the outcome of my friend’s visit.

It just hit me that it’s a bit like job hunting. You want to feel like you’ve got several balls in the air at one time because you know that chances are you won’t get a job right away so you have to keep putting out your resume and making phone calls. You can’t put out one resume and wait to see what happens before putting out another resume.

Getting serious about dating feels the same way. I want to have several possibilities open to me at once (if possible) so that I know I’m really putting effort into this endeavor. My cousin always says that we singles have to work hard to do our part and then we can relax, knowing God will take care of the rest! Amen!