Published March 7, 2018
Mishloach Manot Purim packages were sent to dozens of universities where alumni of Saul Mirowitz Jewish Community School and its legacy schools currently spend their days. Their parents packaged some surprises with love Monday at a reunion for alumni parents. Pictured above are some (front row, from left) Cheryl Maayan, Marti Stiffman Zuckerman, Maria Cohen, Val Toskin and Patty Bloom; (middle row) Wendy Shanker, Jenny Wolkowitz, Mercedes Gellman, Michal Lev and Diane Friedman; (back row) Mark Bluestone, Lori Sheinbein, Elise Krug, Margie Hartman, Susan Walker, Marcia Lisker, Michelle Rubin, Debbie Veis, Betsy Dennis, Laurie Bluestone, Andrea Kantor and Mitch Wax.