Published July 7, 2020
Laura Cazes works for Frankfurt’s Zentralwohlfahrtsstelleder Juden in Deutschland (ZWST), an organization committed to social welfare work in the spirit of tzedakah. (PHOTO: ZWST/Kfir Harbi)
An Israeli first responder recalls tending to the body of a baby burnt in an oven
Donna Elizabeth Cohen
Rabbi-led photo ID project helps fix Missouri’s broken system
Dem. Rep. Jerry Nadler accuses Elon Musk of Hitler salute. Hugh Hewitt says he didn't
Elon Musk’s straight-armed gesture at inauguration event ignites comparisons to Nazi salute
Remembering the St. Louis rabbi who made presidential inauguration history
David A. Young
Dr. Michele Shoresman
How did the ADL conclude that Elon Musk didn’t give a Nazi salute? It isn’t saying.
Gary Richard Katz