Elsewhere: Ukraine’s many chief rabbis, Tel Aviv’s dot-com gentrification, Jewish-only barber discounts
Published March 6, 2014
Ukraine’s many chief rabbis: There are several claimants to the title of religious leader of Ukraine’s Jews. (Slate)
Tel Aviv’s dot-com gentrification: To accommodate newly rich, young tech entrepreneurs without displacing the poor, Tel Aviv tries a program in which developers raze decrepit housing, erect luxury high-rises and provide apartments to the original tenants. (Tablet)
Leveraging Iran weapons boat: Netanyahu is using the boat stopped yesterday to paint Iran and Hamas in as harsh a light as possible, not unlike what was done to Yasser Arafat in 2002, after the Karine-A arms shipment was uncovered. (Times of Israel)
Cut-rate for Jews: A Dominican barber in Manhattan’s increasingly Jewish Washington Heights neighborhood has sparked controversy with his offer of “only Jewish” pre-Passover discounts. (N.Y. Daily News)
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JTA Staff This article was posted by JTA staff.