Elsewhere: Sweden’s beleaguered Jews, Khamenei’s mystery fatwa, Jordan Valley ‘deception’

No shelter for Sweden’s Jews: Sweden welcomes refugees from around the world, but it fails to offer its Jewish population a sense of security or religious freedom, writes Annika Hernroth-Rothstein. (Mosaic)

The real Israel: Ari Shavit’s new book, “My Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel,” challenges the portraits painted by both Israel’s harshest critics and its biggest boosters, writes Thomas Friedman. (N.Y. Times)

Show me the fatwa?: While it is widely asserted that Iran’s supreme leader issued a fatwa against nuclear weapons,  there’s no evidence that such a document actually exists, writes Elliott Abrams. (CFR.org)

False security: Israel doesn’t need the Jordan Valley to be secure, and arguments otherwise seem to be “deliberate deception,” writes Nati Sharoni. (Daily Beast)

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