Elsewhere: De Blasio and Agudah, Kutsher’s ruins, JCC Israel conflict
Published May 29, 2014
The mayor and the haredim: New York Mayor Bill de Blasio should have spoken out at the Agudath Israel gala dinner after haredi Orthodox leaders condemned liberal Jewish movements, Michael Powell writes. (N.Y. Times)
Jerusalem Day for all: It’s not just Orthodox Jews who should be celebrating Jerusalem’s reunification, Rabbi Zvi Grumet writes. (Times of Israel)
The ruins of Kutsher’s: An homage to the about-to-be demolished Borscht Belt resort features a slideshow of 38 photos showing its final days. (Gothamist)
Debate or promote?: The Washington JCC’s recent revoked invitations to speakers who have been critical of Israel reflects a larger communal conflict about when and how to discuss Israel’s flaws. (Washington Post)