Published December 29, 2011
Jewish Student Union
8251Maryland Ave., Suite 15
Clayton, Mo. 63105
email: [email protected]
Rabbi Michael Rovinsky – JSU Director
The mission of Jewish Student Union is to connect Jewish public high school students to something Jewish. JSU facilitates weekly club meetings in public schools that meet after school or during the lunch hour, providing food for the body and soul. Programs include speakers from a variety of Jewish organizations, discussions on timely topics of interest to the participants and interactive activities. In addition to the weekly school club meetings, JSU sponsors activities outside of school and school hours including Friday night gatherings (Oneg Shabbat), the annual President’s Day NY/Florida Trip and The Jerusalem Journey, a month long trip to Israel for as low as $1,500. Each club is governed by elected officers who meet to discuss program topics, outside activities and calendars. High school clubs meet at John Burroughs, Crossroads, Ladue, Clayton, Parkway North, Parkway Central, Parkway West, Lafayette & MICDS.
To establish a club in a school near you, please contact the JSU office.
>JSU (Jewish Student Union) is a not-for-profit organization and is funded in part by the Jewish Federation of St. Louis, Lubin-Green Foundation, Staenberg Family Foundation, Kranzberg Foundation, Silk foundation and donors like you.>
Esther Miller Bais Yaakov
700 North and South Road
St. Louis, Mo. 63130
314-863-9230 • fax: 314-863-3856
email: [email protected]
Rebbetzin Tova Greenblatt – Menahales
Hillel Anton – Operations Manager
Esther Miller Bais Yaakov offers a comprehensive dual program in Jewish and General Studies for 9th through 12th grade girls. A firm commitment to Torah ideals qualifies students to pursue seminary and college upon graduation. Extracurricular activities promote leadership, community involvement, and personal development. Located in U.City Shul, Esther Miller Bais Yaakov houses six classrooms, a computer room, four offices and a dining room/social hall, which also serves as a student lounge.
Missouri Torah Institute-Mesivta D’Missouri
14550 Ladue Road
Chesterfield, Mo. 63017
314-594-0462 • fax: 314-469-7474
email: [email protected]
Deans: Rabbi Dovid Fromowitz, Rabbi Avroham Goldman and Rabbi Shmuel Wasser
Principal: Rabbi Dovid Goldman
Assistant Principal: Rabbi Menachem Wachsman
General Studies Principal: Mr. George Taubenheim
The goal of Mesivta D’Missouri, (Missouri Torah Institute/MTI), is to offer an exciting intensive program of Torah study together with an outstanding college preparatory general studies program. Our job is not merely to impart knowledge, but to instill a love of learning and to develop high moral character in our students. We recognize that today’s world presents many distractions for Yeshiva students and that the expectations of society often differ from the rigorous demands placed upon our students from home and school. By working closely with parents, by providing a warm, supportive and nurturing environment, and with the care of commitment of our faculty, our students strive to overcome these challenges and to serve as role models for others. Our school has a dormitory for out of town students.
Dr. Craig Reiss is Chairman.
Ohr Atid: Light of the Future
c/o 7823 Blackberry Avenue
St. Louis, Mo. 63130
email: [email protected]
Ohr Atid, Light of the Future, Inc. is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to provide education and training for school-age children of all ability levels and to provide services as necessary for family support. Ohr Atid offers a Sunday school program, support group for parents, and a lending library of resource materials. Ohr Atid is a 501c3 agency.
Michael Shapiro is president.
Our Jewish Home
314-432-0020, ext. 3760
Joan Wolchansky – Coordinator
Sponsored by the Central Agency for Jewish Education, Our Jewish Home is an in-home, personalized Jewish family education program that serves families with children ages 3-6. The individualized curriculum includes Passover, Shabbat, High Holidays and Jewish values/mitzvot. Creative hands-on family activities and a variety of resources are program features.
St. Louis Hillel at Washington University
6300 Forsyth Boulevard
St. Louis, Mo. 63105
Phone: 314-935-9040 • Fax: 314-935-9041
email: [email protected]
Jacqueline Ulin Levey – President & CEO
Rabbi Andy Kastner – The Silk Foundation Campus Rabbi
Since its founding in 1946, St. Louis Hillel has enhanced the lives of thousands of Jewish college students throughout St. Louis. We currently serve the more than 2,000 Jewish students who attend Washington University in St. Louis, Saint Louis University, and other local colleges and universities. Our vision is to inspire Jewish college students to make an enduring commitment to Jewish life. Our mission is to enrich the lives of Jewish undergraduate and graduate students in St. Louis so that they may enrich the Jewish people and the world. We realize our mission through diverse programs and meaningful Jewish experiences in the areas of social justice and service, religious life, Israel, Jewish culture and education, and leadership development.
In addition to facilitating projects like the recent “Sukkah City STL” design competition and exhibition at Washington University, as well as other events, St. Louis Hillel also welcomes students every Friday night for Shabbat. We offer student-led Reform, Conservative and Orthodox services followed by a festive kosher Shabbat dinner at various locations on the Washington University campus. Our popular “Shabbat In-a-Box” and “Do Your Own Seder” programs also allow students to create enduring Shabbat and holiday traditions on their own in their dorms and apartments with friends. In addition, we organize alternative break experiences such as Taglit-Birthright Israel and numerous service trips around the world.
St. Louis Hillel is accredited by Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life and is a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of St. Louis. To learn more about St. Louis Hillel, or for information on how you can get involved or join us for Shabbat, holidays or other events, please visit our website.
Alan Bornstein is Board Chair.
Saul Mirowitz Jewish Community School
348 S. Mason Road
St. Louis, Mo. 63141
314-576-6177 • fax: 314-576-3624
e-mail: [email protected]
Head of School: Cheryl Maayan
Directors of Jewish Life: Carol Rubin and Emily Kaimen
Directors of Admissions: Patty Bloom and Sue Albert
Saul Mirowitz Jewish Community School is a pluralistic Jewish independent school, bringing together the strengths of The Saul Mirowitz Day School – RJA and Solomon Schechter Day School. Next August, the student bodies of both schools will go “back to school” together in a contemporary school building on the corner of Conway and Mason roads.
Families who choose SMJCS want the best of everything: academic excellence, social responsibility and meaningful Jewish learning. Our curriculum is experiential and aims for the infinite potential of elementary and middle school education – learning that is challenging, significant and meaningful; students who find joy in the pursuit of knowledge; and children and teens who know from experience that they can make a difference.
With an anticipated enrollment of 165 students in grades K-8, SMJCS is committed to small class sizes to maximize individualized attention. Lunches are prepared in a kosher kitchen using only the healthiest locally sourced or organic foods, some grown in the school’s own garden.
SMJCS is accredited by ISACS, and offers a full-day kindergarten, as well as pre-care and post-care. Financial assistance is available. Student transportation is available from University City.
Board President is Michael Rubin.
St. Louis Kollel
8200 Delmar Boulevard
St. Louis, Mo. 63124
314-726-6047 • fax: 314-863-0820
Rabbi Menachem Greenblatt: Rosh Kollel/Dean
Rabbi Shaya Mintz: Director of Programming
Rabbi Shlomo Soroka: Director of Learning
Rabbi Chona Muser: Mashgiach Ruchani
Rabbi Yerachmiel Frank: Rosh Chabura
The purpose of the St. Louis Kollel is to allow accomplished Rabbis to perpetuate the study of Torah and to provide an exceptional learning experience to Jewish men and women of all backgrounds and affiliations. St. Louis Kollel is the only organization of its kind in Missouri, with a 12-Rabbi “think tank” dedicated to the study of Jewish law and philosophy. Kollel members endeavor to bring a sense of Jewish identity and vibrancy to a broad range of individuals of various backgrounds and levels of knowledge through myriad weekly classes and programs. There are no membership dues, and all Jews are welcome to attend.
The Kollel has many weekly educational classes, social programs, and special events including lunch and learns, home study groups, Eishes Chayil Women’s Division, Torah & Turf (for football lovers), daily classes in Jewish law and Mishna, medical ethics, as well as classes in Talmud, Chumash, Jewish ethics and more.
Social programming includes Shabbat and holiday celebrations, Hanukkah and Purim parties, melave malka, summer BBQs and more.
A special program, “Jewish Unity Live” is St. Louis Kollel’s celebration of Jewish learning held annually at different venues throughout the community. St. Louis Kollel was founded in 1991 by its Dean, Rabbi Menachem Greenblatt.
Mayer S. Klein is President.
Spirit of Sinai
1639 Clarkson Road
Chesterfield, Mo. 63017
636-778-4000 or 314-258-3401 • fax: 314-567-8994
email: [email protected]
Directors: Rabbi Avi and Chana’la Rubenfeld
The Spirit of Sinai Chabad Hebrew School is comprised of two integrated programs:
• The Living and Learning Experience offers a fun, yet advanced Hebrew and Jewish studies curriculum. We provide our students with substantive lessons that are age-appropriate, coupled with a positive atmosphere.
• The Kids in Action program is where children learn to make a difference by contributing to their community and environment while having fun. Whether they are participating in a bowl-a-thon or a personality auction, they will be amazed at how invigorating and enjoyable giving can be. It is available as a standalone program or as part of the Living and Learning Experience, and meets monthly for the duration of the scholastic year.
Our experienced staff have developed the curriculum and are involved in every aspect of the school, ensuring that no child or parent will be overlooked.
The lessons are multi-sensory and hands-on, ensuring that the students truly experience what they are being taught. Children will gain a sense of pride and love for Judaism.
The school uses the new, acclaimed Aleph Champ program to ensure that children will read fluently at the end of his/her Hebrew School experience.
Torah MiTzion Kollel
7741 Gannon Avenue
St. Louis, Mo. 63130
Shilichim: Assi and Gilat Gastfraind; Boaz and Yael Shachak
Bnot Sherut: Efrat Raz and Yaara Zand
Through dedicated Israeli shilichim, or emissaries, the Torah MiTzion Kollel promotes the ideals of Torat Israel, Am Israel and Eretz Israel. The shilichim, who come for periods of three to four years, provide formal and informal educational activities in many community settings that aim to strengthen Zionism, Jewish identity and Torah knowledge in all sectors of the Jewish community. Torah MiTzion uses Bais Abraham Congregation and Young Israel as home bases.
Sherut Leumi is voluntary national service for Israeli women who are deeply committed to the State of Israel. In their second year of service, they can apply to serve in Diaspora communities worldwide. The Torah MiTzion Kollel shilichim mentor the Bnot Sherut who teach in all the Jewish day schools and several of the supplemental schools.
The team of shilichim from Torah MiTzion and the sherut leumi young women run Camp Derech Eretz, an Israeli-style day camp held during the latter part of the summer.
Barbara Ast is president.
Torah Prep School
Rabbi Tzvi Freedman – Executive Director
• Girls’ Division:
8659 Olive Boulevard
St. Louis, Mo. 63132
314-569-2929 • fax: 314-569-2258
Mindi Mintz – Menaheles-Judaic Studies Principal-Girls’ Division
• Boys’ Division:
609 North and South Road
St. Louis, Mo. 63130
314-727-3335 • fax: 314-727-2258
Rabbi Avraham Bromberg – Menahel-Judaic Studies Principal-Boys’ Division
Torah Prep School is a traditional Jewish day school that offers a comprehensive curriculum of both traditional Jewish studies and secular studies to children in pre-nursery – 8th grade. Classical and contemporary texts, Hebrew language and Jewish history are taught along with a full curriculum of English language, math, history and science. Computer skills, arts and crafts and choral and dramatic performance skills are developed. Torah Prep is accredited by both the Central Agency for Jewish Education and the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Enrollment is open to the entire Jewish community. Scholarship aid is available.
Shira Swidler is General Studies Principal. Dr. John T. Glore is Curriculum Coordinator.