11645 Ladue Road, St. Louis, MO 63141
phone: 314-569-0010 • email: info@shaare-emeth.org
All are welcome — members, guests and walk-ins — to join our inclusive, egalitarian Reform services for the High Holidays or Shabbat. Child care is available for children ages 18 months to 7 years during evening services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and for children ages 18 months to Pre-K during morning services on both holidays. Cost is $15 per child per session if received by 5 p.m. Aug. 28. Reservations and payment must be made in advance using the form available at www.shaare-emeth.org/HHDchildren. Assistance for the hearing impaired available; additionally, several services are interpreted for the deaf (indicated below). For homebound worshippers, listen to services via telephone (call 1-800-846-4808 and enter code# 91088047when prompted) or computer: visit www.shaare-emeth.org and click “Media Center and Photo Gallery.”
For more information, visit www.shaare-emeth.org/High-Holidays
Saturday, Aug. 31
Selichot Program and Service: 7-11 p.m. (7 p.m. “I Am” Movie and Discussion; 9:30 p.m. Dessert Reception; 10 p.m. Service).
Rosh Hashanah
Wednesday, Sept. 4
Evening service – Rabbi Andrea Goldstein: 7:15 p.m.; interpreted for the deaf.
Thursday, Sept. 5
Morning Sanctuary Service – Rabbi Jim Bennett: 10 a.m.; interpreted for the deaf. Led by one of the Rabbis and Cantor Seth Warner, along with our congregational choir. Appropriate for adults and children grades 6 and older. “Gates of Repentance” prayerbook needed.
Morning Youth Center Services – Rabbi Goldstein: 10 a.m. Appropriate for all ages, the rabbi will be accompanied by HaShemesh and vocalists and musicians. “Gates of Repentance” prayerbook needed.
Junior Congregation: 10 a.m. For all youth grades K-5, led by Rabbinic Intern Andrew Terkel. Pre-register online at www.shaare-emeth.org/HHDchildren.
Children’s Service and Skit: 2 p.m. Open to all but most appropriate for preschoolers and young children through grade 2, along with their parents and grandparents.
Youth Service: 2 p.m. Creative service led by members of our Shaare Emeth Temple Youth Group; open to all but most appropriate for children grade 3 and older and teens, along with their parents and grandparents.
Children’s Tashlich Service: 3 p.m. Families with young children will gather together for a brief age-appropriate creative Tashlich experience led by Terkel and Debbie Bram, Director of Jewish Life and Learning. Meet in the courtyard.
Tashlich Service: 4 p.m. All are invited to meet Shaare Emeth clergy at Des Peres Park (12325 Manchester Road in Des Peres). Bring your own breadcrumbs (or bird seed).
Yom Kippur
Friday, Sept. 13
Evening Sanctuary Service: 6 p.m. Rabbi Bennett will speak; Interpreted for the deaf.
Evening Sanctuary Service: 8:30 p.m. Led by Rabbi Bennett, Cantor Warner and instrumental ensemble, with inspirational music and a sermon. These services are appropriate for adults, teens and children old enough to sit through a late evening service.
Saturday, Sept. 14
Morning Sanctuary Service: 10 a.m.; interpreted for the deaf. Led by Rabbi Goldstein and Cantor Seth Warner, along with our new choir. Appropriate for adults and children grade 6 and up.
Morning Youth Center Service: 10 a.m. A more informal and contemporary alternative to our traditional Sanctuary worship. This participatory service, appropriate for those of all ages, will be led by Rabbi Bennett and accompanied by HaShemesh and other musicians.
Junior Congregation: 10 a.m. Led by Rabbinic Student Jim Stoloff; for youth grades K-5. Pre-registration is required at www.shaare-emeth.org/HHDchildren. No charge for registration received by Sept. 10 for Rosh Hashanah and by Sept. 18 for Yom Kippur. Registration is $10 per child for forms received after these dates.
Afternoon Children’s Service: 1:30 p.m. Open to all, but most appropriate for preschoolers and young children through grade 2, along with their parents and grandparents. Followed by Tashlich.
Afternoon Youth Service: 1:30 p.m. This creative service is led by members of our Shaare Emeth Temple Youth Group and other Shaare Emeth high school students. Open to all but most appropriate for children grades 3 and older and teens, along with their parents and grandparents. Followed by Tashlich.
Afternoon Breakout Sessions: 1:30-2:45 p.m. (Harp Music and Meditation as well as “The Jewish Year in Review,” led by Bob Cohn, Editor-in-Chief Emeritus of the St. Louis Jewish Light.
Afternoon Breakout Sessions: 3-4:15 p.m. (Service of Healing-Chapel; “Do we really believe in the Book of Life? Does the Almighty determine our fate on this day? How to interpret a troubling High Holy Day Prayer?” led by Rabbi Jeffrey Stiffman; “Blessings and Rituals: Making Everyday Moments Holy,” led by Andrew Terkel, Rabbinic Intern; “Who are the Jews? Historical and Archeological exploration of our roots,” by Dr. Bob Taxman.
Neilah/Yizkor Service: 4:30 p.m.
Sukkot Evening Service in the Sukkah
Wednesday, Sept. 18, 6 p.m.
Welcome Sukkot with a brief, intergenerational service in our sukkah.
Sukkot Morning Pancake Breakfast, Children’s Activities and Adult Torah Study
Thursday, Sept. 19, 9 a.m.
Begin your Sukkot morning with a delicious Pancake Breakfast cooked by MOSHE (Men of Shaare Emeth), plus hands-on Sukkot activities for children and Sukkot morning study for adults.
Dan Nichols Road to Eden Film and Concert
Sunday, Sept. 22, 4 – 7 p.m. at United Hebrew Congregation
St. Louis premiere screening of Dan Nichols’ documentary film, Road to Eden, followed by a light dinner and a joyous acoustic concert by Dan Nichols! Jointly sponsored by Congregation Shaare Emeth, Temple Israel and United Hebrew Congregation. A celebration for the whole family!
Simchat Torah and Consecration Service
Wednesday, Sept. 25, 6 p.m.
The entire congregation is invited to a joyous Simchat Torah celebration, with dancing and music, consecration of our new Religious School students, and recognition of our new members. It will be an evening of rejoicing!
Yizkor/Memorial Service
Thursday, Sept. 26, 9 a.m.
Honor the memory of loved ones and rejoice in the renewal of our commitment to Torah, learning and faith.