A letter to all of our readers
Published March 20, 2020
On behalf of the Staff and the Board of Trustees of the St. Louis Jewish Light, we want to assure you that we are here for our community as we go through these challenging and unsettling times. This is a period of isolation, and the Light is the glue that keeps the community linked to one another and makes us feel not so alone. Our mission is to inform, inspire, educate and connect our community, and now, perhaps more than ever, we know how precious our community is.
Both ElderLink St. Louis at 314-812-9300 and Jewish Family Services at 314-993-1000 are ready to help older adults in our community experiencing medical, emotional and/or psychological issues during this difficult time.
As a precaution this week and for the foreseeable future, we will not be distributing rack copies for pick-up at Jewish institutions and area businesses. While most people are heeding the warnings and staying home, we do not want any members of our community inadvertently exposed to germs by having one copy used by multiple people. Instead, we ask any regular readers who pick up copies on our racks to sign up to subscribe to the St. Louis Jewish Light to get a free subscription delivered directly to your mailbox.
If you have not already done so, we also ask that you provide us with your email address as soon as possible so that you can receive our newsletter and other breaking news directly to your inbox. You can subscribe and provide your email by visiting www.stljewishlight.com/subscribe. Finally, please visit our website and “like” us on Facebook so that we can keep you connected to the community from the safety of your own home.
Over the next several weeks, we will be launching initiatives to create interaction as a virtual community as well as social content for all of us to join in and do to together. We encourage you to participate so that we maintain social interaction and a sense of togetherness, even while we are physically apart from one another.
The first one up: Send us pictures of what you are up to at home. Are you using the time to organize closets, get ready for Passover or teach your children? Take a picture and email it to [email protected]. Include your name, the names of everyone in the picture, what you are doing and a daytime phone number. We hope to share these pictures as a way of staying connected to one another.
We pray for your safety and good health in the upcoming weeks and months. We are grateful that you are still allowing us into your homes.
Warmest thoughts to all of you,
Ellen Futterman, Editor, [email protected]
Laura K. Silver, President of the Board, [email protected]