Why Be Jewish?

There’s no one way to be Jewish in 2019 America. At least that’s one of the themes the Jewish Light discovered when it embarked on its “Why Be Jewish?” video storytelling project a year ago.

Each “Why Be Jewish?” video runs between two and five minutes, and looks at each participant’s connection to Judaism, how it has evolved over time and what it may look like going forward. Most of the participants are in their 20s and 30s, though a few are a little older. 

Interviewed are single Jews, married Jews, interfaith couples, LGBTQ Jews, Jewish converts, a Jew by choice, unaffiliated Jews, and Reform, Conservative and Orthodox Jews. A few faces may be familiar because they work in the local Jewish community, but most do not.

“Why Be Jewish?” was made possible by a generous grant from the Kranzberg Family Foundation, with assistance from the Jewish Federation of St. Louis.