Temple Emanuel

Address: 12166 Conway Road, St. Louis, Mo. 63141 | Phone: 314-432-5877 | Fax: 314-432-7862 Email: [email protected] Website: testl.org

Senior Rabbi: Elizabeth B. Hersh | Rabbi Emeritus: Joseph R. Rosenbloom Malachi Owens, Jr., Cantorial Soloist | Gail Armstrong, Executive Director Subie Banaszynski, Director of Education & Community Engagement

Temple Emanuel is a warm congregation built upon the tenets of Reform Judaism including inclusivity, education and tikkun olam. People of various backgrounds and a wide variety of experiences are represented among our 260 member families. Our worship services include our own custom Shabbat Service Booklets, Union Prayer Book Chicago Sinai Edition, and Mishkan T’filah. We celebrate our approach that as individual, Reform Jews, we are welcoming to all people. TE is a spiritual home for all seeking a personal and meaningful Jewish experience. Our intimate scale allows us to meet the needs of our members and know each personally. We are committed to lifelong Jewish learning by providing opportunities for children as well as adults during Sunday morning Religious School and at other occasions during the week and throughout the year. Our doors are open. Please join our nurturing community.

Lynn Phillips is President.