Nusach Hari B’nai Zion

Address: 650 North Price Road, St. Louis, Mo. 63132 | Phone: 314-991-2100, ext. 1 | Fax: 314-993-4821 Email: [email protected] | Website:

Rabbi Ze’ev Smason

Nusach Hari B’nai Zion is one of St. Louis’ most treasured and established family synagogues. We are a Modern Orthodox congregation, members who have wide and varied levels of personal observance and Jewish education. We welcome Jewish families, singles and seniors of all backgrounds and levels of religious knowledge and observance. We are a warm, welcoming, caring and nonjudgmental community with a commitment to traditional Judaism and Israel. Rabbi Ze’ev Smason provides outstanding spiritual and educational leadership. We strive to give every individual the resources to develop a vibrant Jewish life at his or her own pace. We pride ourselves on our openness.

NHBZ offers a full plate of services, including religious, social and educational. We conduct daily minyanim, Wednesday Lunch and Learns, special Synaplex Shabbat and Lunch and Learn programs with lectures on a variety of topics, a myriad of programs produced by our active Sisterhood, and numerous social events and festive holiday celebrations which will enliven your Jewish heart. Our growing and thriving population of young families creates a kaleidoscope of programs for young parents and children’s activities.


Located in Olivette, our facilities include a main sanctuary, a chapel, social hall, a kids room, teen lounge, kosher facilities, plus rooms for educational programming. Our building is eco-friendly, built in 2011, with 65 solar panels on the roof and a geothermal heating and cooling system.

Services are conducted using the Tehillat Hashem Siddur, Nusach Ha’Ari. On Shabbat, NHBZ hosts both regular and learner’s services. Prayers at regular services are generally in Hebrew, although all sermons and special prayers are recited in English. Transliterations and extensive explanations of Hebrew prayers are provided. Membership at NHBZ is open to the entire Jewish community. Membership includes seating for the High Holidays.  

Bob Kaiser is President.