Mitzvot from the Heart: Faith Hollander and Madison Miederhoff

Faith Hollander | Congregation Shaare Emeth & Madison Miederhoff | Congregation B’nai Amoona

Faith and Madison have been inseparable since they met over five years ago. They attend Parkway Central Middle School together as well as Camp GUCI (Goldman Union Camp Institute), part of the Union for Reform Judaism family of camps.

Both girls love attending camp so when contemplating their mitzvah project, they immediately thought of how they could help their sister camp in California. Camp Newman, located in Santa Rosa, was devastated by the wine country fires in October 2017. Having to move to a temporary site, it was important to Faith and Madison that the campers felt welcome there. 

They decided to collect mezuzot for every door at the interim camp. Once the old site is rebuilt, the mezuzot can then be rehung. 


Each girl sent a personalized letter to her family and friends, which included information about the project as well as suggested websites to order mezuzot. The girls’ parents, Shari and Yale Hollander of Ballwin and Heather and Brant Miederhoff of Chesterfield, posted notices on their Facebook page requesting support for their daughters’ project. In addition, Camp Newman and GUCI included information about the mitzvah project on their websites and in letters to alumni. 

In the end, Faith and Madison collected about 300 mezuzot as well as monetary donations to purchase more. They made sure each mezuzah included a scroll, felt backing and double-sided tape to affix on the door frames of every door at camp.

“I am glad that I was helping other campers continue to experience camp even after such a devastating incident,” said Madison. “Collecting the mezuzot was such a positive experience knowing so many people were willing to help out a camp they did not know.” 

Faith added, “I felt really happy that these children’s summer could be made better by something we could do.  I enjoyed being able to connect with Camp Newman.  It warmed my heart when we heard back from the camp and heard that they were so happy that they received the mezuzot.”