Mitzvot from the heart: Erica Snyder, Congregation Shaare Emeth

Erica Snyder decided to collect money for Project Peanut Butter after learning about severe hunger in Africa.

Studying about malnourished children in Africa stoked Erica Snyder’s sense of compassion for others. While her geography class at Crestview Middle School decided to collect money for Project Peanut Butter, Erica took it to the next level.

Daughter of Drs. Meredith Stuart and Neil Snyder of Chesterfield, Erica held a fundraiser at Sports Fusion. Flyers were sent to all the students at school as well as family and friends. With everyone donating just $6, Erica raised over $400.

“I liked this project because we actually saw videos and pictures of the children,” said Erica. “A speaker from the organization talked to my class about it. I became educated and was glad that I was able to raise money for these innocent children.”

Project Peanut Butter is a St. Louis-based, non-profit organization, which helps hundreds of thousands of severely malnourished children. It was begun in 2002 by Dr. Mark Manary, professor of pediatrics at Washington University School of Medicine.

For more information about Project Peanut Butter, visit