Mitzvot from the Heart: Daniel Sherman

Daniel Sherman

United Hebrew Congregation

It is really hard to lose a parent when you are a young child. Daniel “DJ” lost his mother, Karen Sherman, more than four years ago, but thanks to Annie’s Hope he was given the support he needed during his healing process. Annie’s Hope is a bereavement center focused solely on the needs of grieving children, adolescents and their families in the St. Louis region.

DJ, son of Craig Sherman of Wildwood, attended Annie’s Hope monthly family support group sessions. He also went to a week-long summer camp that focused on dealing with the grieving process and connected him to other kids in the same situation. For his mitzvah project, DJ said he wanted to give back to this wonderful organization that helped him. 

Annie’s Hope has many programs that run throughout the year. DJ volunteered with several. For a memory collage project, DJ gathered and organized magazine clippings that were used to decorate canvases with memories of family’s loved ones that passed away. 


During movie night, DJ assisted in setting up and serving snacks to the kids and families that watched “Inside Out.” He was also a food service volunteer for several family support group nights. He helped with the setup, cleanup, and serving of the pizza dinner while guests came through the line. During one of these nights, DJ and his family were introduced to the group and he said a few words about how Annie’s Hope had helped him in his grieving process. 

DJ said, “It felt good to help these kids that are in need of a friend and role model. Someone that knows what they are going through and feeling right now.”

A student at Wildwood Middle School, DJ also volunteered in the 2015 Jewish and Muslim Day of Community Service and at the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry. 

— Mitzvot from the Heart is compiled by Editorial Assistant Elise Krug.