Jewish War Veterans Grave Site Search Program

12 Millstone Campus Drive

St. Louis, Mo. 63146


Les Birenbaum, Memorial Center President

An ongoing gravesite search program seeks to identify an estimated 8,600 deceased war veterans’ gravesites in eight private St. Louis-area Jewish cemeteries and at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery. When identified and confirmed, flag-holding grave markers are placed for the Jewish War Veterans of the USA (JWV). 

Jewish War Veterans Post 644, in conjunction with The Memorial Center, administers the issuing of Jewish War Veteran grave marker flag holders and flags for a suggested donation of $36 (double chai). Over 7,000 flags are placed on Jewish War Veterans graves in 8 cemeteries in the St Louis area. The flags are placed by 350 Boy Scouts every Memorial Day. The Jewish Funeral Homes in St. Louis notify the Jewish War Veterans when they perform a Jewish War Veteran Funeral. If a Jewish War Veteran does not have a flag holder and flag or if the flag holder or flag is damaged, contact Dennis Cohen, Sr. Vice Commander Jewish War Veterans (Post 644) at 636-532-7172 or Jack Lite at 314-567-1226. An alternative source for the Jewish War Veteran flag holder is They are available for under $20.00 for veterans’ graves outside the St Louis area.