Crime Victim Center’s LAAW Program

A Crime Victim Advocacy Center program

539 N. Grand Blvd., Suite 400

St. Louis, Mo. 63103

314-652-3623 (Crime victim hotline hours 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.)


314-664-6699 (Domestic violence legal representation helpline 9 a.m. – 4p.m.)

email: [email protected]


Marti Kelly, Executive Director

 Founded in 1986 as a project of the National Council of Jewish Women St. Louis Section, Legal Advocates for Abused Women (LAAW) served the St. Louis community as an autonomous agency for more than 16 years. LAAW became a program of the Crime Victim Center (CVC) in 2012, allowing LAAW’s programs to remain intact with support for administrative costs. CVC was founded in 1972 and is the oldest victim services agency that helps victims regardless of the status in the criminal justice system. The LAAW program is dedicated, specifically and solely, to helping victims of abuse in times of crisis, working within the legal system, law enforcement and the courts. LAAW combines expertise in legal remedies and domestic violence issues to help victims end abusive relationships. LAAW helps victim regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. All services are free of charge and include the crisis intervention/legal helpline, free legal representation at Order of Protection hearings, safety planning, extensive referrals, immediate and ongoing crisis support, legal and court advocacy and other critical services. 

Julie Lawson is Board President.