How and where to celebrate Purim ’23 in St. Louis
Published February 26, 2023
Looking for Purim events in St. Louis? Here are several events held by local synagogues and Jewish organizations, organized by day.
Purim, celebrated on the 14th of Adar, begins Monday night, March 6, and continues through Tuesday, March 7, 2023. It commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from Haman in the ancient Persian Empire, a story recorded in the Biblical Book of Esther.
| RELATED: Where Jewish St. Louisans go to find homemade hamantaschen
Saturday, March 4th
United Hebrew
Beauty Pageant: Unpacking the Book of Esther | Saturday at 12:00 p.m.
Did Esther really participate in a beauty pageant? What actually went on in the palace of Shushan and how did Esther become queen? Register here.
IAC Mid-West
An Israeli Purim Party – Disney themed!
Celebrate the holiday of Purim with the Israeli and Jewish Community of St. Louis, including DJ, open bar, and more!
Come dressed in your best Disney characters’ costumes for our award-winning costume-contest!
The event is limited to 21+. Purchase tickets here.
Sunday, March 5th
Purim at Shaare Emeth
Shaare Emeth kicks off Purim festivities at 10:30 a.m. with “A Purim Story,” a family-friendly Purim spiel for families with children ages 0–12. “Toy Story” characters will help re-tell the story of Purim with costumes, music and humor. Everyone is invited and costumes are encouraged.
From 11 a.m.-1 p.m., join Shaare Emeth for its Shushan Hootenany, with fun for all ages, including a trackless train, inflatable pony racing, balloon animals, carnival games, face painting, line dancing, a magic show and more. Lunch and hamantashen are available for purchase from the Purim Food Committee.
Wristbands are required for children ages 3 – 4th grade (allowing unlimited game play, plus each child will receive a hamantashen and a large prize). $10 for Shaare Emeth Members or $15 for non-members. Purchase at the door or in advance at SESTL.CO/PURIM. Adults, children in 5th grade+, and children under 3 years old get in free, no registration required.
Purim shpiel and carnival at TI
Join Temple Israel from 10:30 to 11 a.m. for a Purim shpiel. Led by TI member and artistic director of the J’s New Jewish Theatre, Rebekah Scallet, TI’s religious and Hebrew school students are practicing for an entertaining shpiel called Purim Pop Palooza, a new retelling of the Purim story with Purim characters singing parodies of songs by artists like Billie Eilish, Lil Nas X, Lizzo and even a little Baby Shark.
Free to attend. Immediately following the shpiel, head to TI’s annual Purim Carnival (11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) for games, prizes, entertainment, food and hamantashen, and a costume contest. Games and prizes are geared toward littles through kids in grade 6. Wristbands are $15 and include entrance and complimentary hamantashen.
Guests can order pizza, snacks or extra hamantashen in advance (by Feb. 27). Visit for more information.
Purim Carnival & Shpiel at United Hebrew
11:00 a.m. – Purim Shpiel
Join an ensemble of clergy and congregants as they put on a dramatization of the Book of Esther including special versions of familiar music.
11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Purim Carnival
Join us for our 2023 Purim Carnival at United Hebrew! We will have new and exciting games such as an inflatable axe throw, whack a mole, and soccer darts. We’ll also have a life size jenga, connect 4 and an inflatable ring toss as well as an inflatable skeeball. A carnival you won’t want to miss! Be sure to dress up in your favorite costume.
Tickets are $10 in advance or $15 at the door
Meal Tickets are $5 each
Purim Carnival at Central Reform Congregation
Begins at 1 p.m. – Wear your costume and join us to:
Make & take hamantaschen
Take photos in a photo booth
Jump in a bounce house
Hear the Purim story from Rabbi Randy & our 7th graders
Purimspiel- Drag Queen Megillah Hour at Central Reform Congreation
Drag Queen Story (Megillah) Hour at 7pm
In Person + Streamed
Join us for a spicy, timely, outrageously fun Purim celebration/megillah reading featuring special guest Queen Maxi Glamour. As is the tradition, feel free to come in costume, including your best drag (don’t worry, “Haman” hasn’t outlawed it….yet). Purim libations provided. #godsavethequeens
Note: While this event is intended for adults.
Monday, March 6
Purim Megilla reading at NHBZ
Bring your noisemakers and your entire family to hear the whole Megilla at Nusach Hari B’nai Zion at 6:45 p.m. All are invited, and costumes, merry-making and fun are highly encouraged! For more information, call 314-991-2100, ext. 2.
Artisan hamentashen bake and wine pairing
Chabad of Chesterfield invites the community to an interactive artisan hamentashen baking workshop and wine pairing followed by the Megillah reading at 7 p.m. at Chabad of Chesterfield’s temporary location in Chesterfield Mall. Participants will roll up their sleeves to make a tray of their own hamantashen, using a variety of fillings and toppings. The evening will conclude with an in-person megillah reading. Suggested donation is $36; sponsor $108. RSVP by March 1 by visiting or calling 636-778-4000 or emailing [email protected].
Shushan Shamboree Show at Shaare Emeth
At 7 p.m. Shaare Emeth welcomes the community for a Wild West Purimspiel, written and directed by Patrick Siler, featuring the Not-So-Ready-for-Prime-Time Purim Players. Wear your finest country attire and join us for a good ole Megillah reading and a knee-slappin’, yeehawing shamboree of a show. Enjoy hamantashen and refreshments. This show is geared toward adults, but you can bring the youngins, too. No registration is required.
A very festive Purim at Kol Rinah
From 5:15 to 9:15 p.m. join Kol Rinah for Purim festivities, from costumes and activities, to dinner and Megillah reading with a spiel – there will be something for everyone.
At 5:15 p.m. our Young Families Group and Families Group can partake in Purim-related crafts and activities.
At 5:45 p.m. Kol Rinah’s Young Families Group (families with kids under age 6) can enjoy a Purim Shadow Puppet Show and Purim songs with Morah Karen. The Families Group (families with kids over age 6) can join a special interactive Purim experience with Rabbi Scott Shafrin.
Mincha in the sanctuary (no Zoom) is at 6 p.m., followed at 6:15 by a synagogue-wide Purim dinner with pasta, salad and garlic bread.
RSVP for dinner required by Wednesday, March 1 at
Maariv is at 6:45 p.m. in the sanctuary, followed at 7 by a costume parade for all, and then a Megillah reading with our very silly Kol Rinah Purim spiel interspersed throughout.
Purim dinner and a show at Bais Abraham
After hearing the Megilla reading at 6:30 p.m. at Bais Abraham, come downstairs and finish your fast with a vegan feast from Gokul.
At 8 p.m. we will welcome Elliot the Entertainer from Circus Kaput for a fully interactive show. Admission to dinner and the show is $18 per person. Register in advance at For more information, contact the Bais Abe office, 314-721-3030 or [email protected].
Megillah Reading & Adult Purim Bar at United Hebrew
6:30 p.m. – Adult Purim social with dessert and “adult” beverages
7:30 p.m. – Megillah Reading
Join us for our annual reading of the megillah as we usher in the celebration of Purim with UH clergy and congregants telling the story of Esther and the Jewish people.
Bring a large shakable food item such as rice or pasta to be used as a grogger during our reading of the megillah and then donated.
Purim Around The Clock at Congregation Bais Menachem
As a public service to the St. Louis Jewish community and in an effort to create opportunities to observe the reading of the megillah, Cong. Bais Menachem will once again be offering megillah readings throughout the night and day of Purim. RSVP is requested.
Purim Palooza: Under the Big Tent at B’nai Amoona
The Greatest Shul on Earth for Purim Palooza
on Monday, March 6!5:00 pm Event Begins, 5:30 pm Dinner, 6:15 pm Ma’ariv, 6:30 pm Megillah and Costume Parade!A delicious dinner is available for pre-order only and includes choice of: Hamburger, Hot Dog or Veggie Burger w/ Chips, Veggie & Hummus cup drink and a HamentashenCost for the dinner: Ages 10 and up – $10, Ages 4-9 – $5, 3 and under are complimentary
Deadline to order dinner is Tuesday, February 28
For questions, please contact Liessa at [email protected] or call 314-576-9990 x116
Tuesday, March 7
Annual U. City Purim reenactment parade

All residents of the “kingdom” are invited to hail Mordechai the Jew as he rides through the streets on the king’s steed, led by Haman the Aggagite. The annual grand procession beginning at 2 p.m. at the corners of Cornell and Gay avenues in University City, ending at Saxony Court.
NHBZ Purim seudah, costume contest & Sshtick nite
Purim fun continues at Nusach Hari B’nai Zion with the second reading of the Megillah at 7 a.m. Later that day enjoy hot dogs, hamburgers and all the fixins and sides at 5:15 p.m.
Come in costume and participate in NHBZ’s famous costume contest which has three categories: children, adults and couples/family. Get your “schtick” together and show off your talent with a skit, game, poem, jokes or musical entertainment. NHBZ membership is not necessary to participate.
RSVPs are required, no walk-ins. Prices are $18 adults (12 and over); $15 for children ages 4-11; FREE for kids 3 & under, free. Family cap $62. RSVP by February 28 at 314-991-2100, ext. 2, or email [email protected].
Study of Megillah at United Hebrew
10:30 a.m. – Megillat Esther reads like a great novel – sex, lies, murder plots, and war. Join us as we take an in-depth look at Megillat Esther.
Register here.