Muflettas for Mimouna

Margi Lenga Kahn


  • 3 ¾ cup unbleached all-purpose flour, divided, plus more for shaping  
  • 1 ½ tsp. fine sea salt  
  • 1 ½ tsp. granulated sugar  
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, plus more as needed for shaping  
  • 2 cups warm water   

For serving:  

  • 4 oz. (1 stick) unsalted butter, melted  
  • ½ cup honey  
  • 2 tbsp. confectioner’s sugar, for dusting    


1. Whisk together 3¼ cups flour, salt and sugar in a large bowl. In a small bowl, combine vegetable oil and water. Make a well in center of flour mixture and add all of the water mixture.  


2. Stir mixture until everything is evenly moistened. Using your hands, continue mixing until a smooth dough forms, adding an additional 1-2 tablespoons of flour as needed to keep the dough from being too sticky. Cover bowl and set aside to rest at room temperature for 20 minutes.  

3. Lightly oil your countertop and cut dough into 20 pieces. Form each one into a ball. Cover with a damp towel or plastic wrap and let balls rest for five minutes.  

4. Flatten one ball on the counter into a very thin, flat circle. Heat a dry 6-inch skillet over medium heat. Place dough circle onto hot pan and cook until small bubbles appear, 30-45 seconds. Flip pancake over and continue cooking for another 30-45 seconds.   

5. While this first mufleta cooks, quickly flatten a second ball of dough into a thin disc. Once the mufleta in the pan has finished cooking, place the second disc on top of it and turn the entire stack over. Let cook for 30 seconds and then set a third flattened disc on top of the two discs. Turn the entire stack over again, let cook for 30 seconds and then flip it over and add another disc. Continue in this manner until you have cooked 10 discs.  

6. Transfer stack of 10 mufletas to a plate, cover lightly with a damp towel, and set aside. Repeat procedure with remaining 10 balls of dough  

7. Once all mufletas have been cooked, brush each one lightly with butter, drizzle with honey, fold in half, and then fold into quarters. Arrange mufletas on a serving platter and dust with confectioner’s sugar; serve.  

Makes 20 mufletas.