Kosher Congregate Dining Program and Home Delivery Program

At Crown Center for Senior Living 

8350 Delcrest Drive

University City, Mo. 63124




Florence Schachter, MSW, Director of Resident & Community Services

The congregate dining program at Crown Center for Senior Living is more than just a place to enjoy a freshly prepared, nutritious kosher meal. Celebrate birthdays and special occasions, meet new friends and engage in stimulating conversations. This affordable program is geared for those 60 and older and open to Crown Center residents as well as community guests. Dinner meals are served Monday through Friday at 5 p.m. in our beautifully designed dining room. On Fridays, in the fall and winter months, lunches are served instead. Enjoy the benefits of open seating as you wait for a friendly volunteer to bring the meal to your table.

Crown Center also provides the option of kosher home delivered meals for clients living in the University City area east of I-170. Eligible participants need to be age 60 or older, require food that adheres to kosher dietary laws, have limited ability to prepare nutritious meals, and be unable to attend the congregate program at Crown. Meals are catered and served from a Vaad Hoeir — approved kitchen at Crown Center. Congregate dining reservations can be made to 314-991-2055 ext. 124. For more information about either program or to inquire about becoming a volunteer home delivery driver, call Florence Schachter (see above).

Funding is provided by Mid-East Area Agency on Aging, Jewish Federation of St. Louis, and Crown Center for Senior Living.