Chabad on Campus — Rohr Center for Jewish Life

Address: Chabad House 7018 Forsyth Blvd. St. Louis, Mo. 63105

Phone: 314-721-2884

Email: [email protected]


Rabbi Hershey Novack, Director

Chana R. Novack, Director

Glenna Gelfand, Operations

Rabbi Yossi and Goldie Abenson, JGrads

Rachel Philipp, Chabad Ohr Atid Sunday Torah (COAST)

Reshit Ehrlich, Israel Fellow

Boruch Smason, The Network for Students at STLCC, SLU, UMSL and Webster U

Chabad on Campus is where Jewish life happens for hundreds of students and young adults.

   Chabad nurtures Jewish students by providing accessible and meaningful Jewish experiences to students and faculty at Washington University and other local and regional schools, including St. Louis University and Webster University. One of more than 250 full-time Chabad student centers at campuses throughout the world and under the aegis of Chabad of Greater St. Louis, the program strives to make Jewish life on campus more relevant for young people facing important Jewish identity choices. Among the programs offered are home-hospitality Shabbat dinners, volunteer opportunities, learning experiences such as a Jewish Medical Ethics series at the Washington U. School of Medicine (and a similar program at the Washington U. School of Law) and the JGrads initiative for area graduate students and recent grads. In the fall of 2017, Chabad launched a new outreach and community-building initiative called “The Network,” which serves students at STLCC, SLU, UMSL and Webster U. The organization employs a full-time campus rabbi for education, guidance and counseling. The organization is a leader within the Birthright Israel program and has sent more than 1,000 young adults to Israel.