Amanda Mary Sherman, daughter of Richard and Beverly Sherman of Deerfield, Ill. and Jason Conor Michelson Buckley, son of Mark and Lynda Michelson of Wildwood, were married March 14, 2010 at Astoria Banquets in Buffalo Grove, Ill. where Rabbi Barry Axler officiated. A wedding reception followed at Astoria Banquets in Buffalo Grove.

He is the grandson of Elaine and Marvin Nieberg of Chesterfield.

The bride chose her friend, Lindsay Ferguson, as her maid of honor. Bridesmaids were the bride’s friends Kate D’Avanzo and Katherine Jennings, and the groom’s sister, Lauren Buckley.

The groom chose his friend John Giunta as his best man. Groomsmen were the groom’s friends Joseph Rakowitz and Jason Oliver, and the bride’s brother, Bradford Sherman.

Following a wedding trip to the Caribbean, the couple resides in Chicago, Ill.