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A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light


Leaving the Table

Jewish Light EditorialPublished November 30, 2016

Let’s get this out of the way right at the outset: Roger Waters is pompous and detestable.The former Pink Floyd member is a radical antagonist of Israel and, according to many, including Abraham Foxman, longtime head of the Anti-Defamation League, a...

‘Pence-ive’ Moment

Jewish Light EditorialPublished November 23, 2016

Much dust was stirred last Friday when Brandon Dixon, of the cast of the hit Broadway show “Hamilton,” addressed Vice President-elect Mike Pence, who was in the audience, at the end of the play. “We, sir, we are the diverse America who are alarmed...

Angry Ayes

Jewish Light EditorialPublished November 16, 2016

We congratulate President-elect Donald J. Trump and hope for the adoption by him and Congress of policies, programs and successes that benefit all Americans.Some might say there should be a honeymoon period of non-judgment after a presidential election....

Myth Busters

Jewish Light EditorialPublished November 9, 2016

For decades the conventional wisdom was that there was an almost monolithic “Jewish vote,” representing all streams of Judaism as well as secular and non-observant Jews. Politicians of both major parties would court the Jewish vote by citing support...

Media Matters

Jewish Light EditorialPublished November 2, 2016

Is the debate going on this week in the Knesset about free speech or money? If you’re Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or one of his political allies, it’s the latter. On the other hand, if you’re Kulanu head Moshe Kahlon, the former characterization...

Hate-Filled Rooms

Jewish Light EditorialPublished October 26, 2016

If you think more, better and educated dialogue is critical to young people’s understanding and concern about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, then you may be uneasy about a couple aspects of a recent Brandeis University study.The report on the study,...

Hatred Reinvisioned

Jewish Light EditorialPublished October 19, 2016

Is it possible that the Jewish Mexican ambassador to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was fired from his post for NOT being anti-Semitic?It’s not only possible, but entirely likely. In a resolution adopted...

It’s Up to You

Jewish Light EditorialPublished October 13, 2016

Normally, writing an editorial on a measure and not taking a position is considered a copout. But in the case of Missouri Amendment 3 on the November ballot, we think that how you vote on it really depends on what you think. This is about you-as-legislator,...

A Major Life Lived

Jewish Light EditorialPublished October 5, 2016

In 1923:The Union of Socialist Soviet Republics (USSR) was formed.The failed “Beer Hall Putsch” resulted in prison time for Adolf Hitler, who dictated “Mein Kampf” to Rudolf Hess while serving his sentence. Time Magazine launched.Cecil B DeMille’s...

Overriding Common Sense

Jewish Light EditorialPublished September 21, 2016

It now appears that gun possession is protected more stringently than voting in Missouri.That may be a slight exaggeration, but not much. The Legislature last week overrode Governor Jay Nixon’s vetoes of 13 bills, including one allowing concealed weapon...


Jewish Light EditorialPublished September 14, 2016

Senator Lindsey Graham may or may not change his mind in the coming days, but it won’t much matter. The Republican legislator from South Carolina has objected to the deal recently reached by the administrations of U.S. President Barack Obama and Israeli...

Looking Inward

Jewish Light EditorialPublished September 7, 2016

“Anti Semitism is a disease that is beyond politics.” —Comment on the Daily Gazette (student newspaper of Swarthmore College) website, in response to William Meyer’s article, “A Response to Yesterday’s Anti-Semitic Hate Crime from a ‘Whiny...

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