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A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light


A row of toppled headstones at Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery on Monday evening. Photo: Eric Berger

Vicious Vandals

Jewish Light EditorialPublished February 22, 2017

Never in recent memory has there been such community wide and even international revulsion over an incident like the savage desecration of the historic Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery. Even though it was not immediately clear whether the attack was anti-Semitism...

The DeVos Curriculum

Jewish Light EditorialPublished February 15, 2017

Remember how in high school you squeaked by on the final exam in Latin or trigonometry but you felt that it really didn’t matter because you weren’t going to use any of that stuff in your real life anyway?That’s kind of how Betsy DeVos won confirmation...

Playing With Fire

Jewish Light EditorialPublished February 8, 2017

For anyone trying to evaluate President Donald Trump’s dizzying changes in U.S. foreign policy, it’s hard to separate the tweets from the chaff.Depending upon where one stands on the evolving Trump presidency, he is either deliberately attempting...

Shoah Shanda

Jewish Light EditorialPublished February 1, 2017

In the wake of last Friday’s observance of Holocaust Memorial Day, coinciding with the 72nd anniversary of the liberation of the infamous Nazi death camp of Auschwitz, a disturbing report demonstrated that many of the the survivors of that dark time...

When Walking Trumps Talking

Jewish Light EditorialPublished January 25, 2017

In the first two days of the newborn Trump administration, two opposite points of view collided forcefully:In his inaugural address, President Donald J. Trump said he was for the people. In marches in St. Louis and across the nation the next day, millions...

With Malice Toward None – Please

Jewish Light EditorialPublished January 18, 2017

Mere weeks ago, few Americans predicted Republican candidate Donald Trump would win the presidency. On Friday, he will be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States after securing a majority in the Electoral College, even though his Democratic...

Mazel Tov, Gov! 

Jewish Light EditorialPublished January 11, 2017

For the first time since Missouri was admitted to the Union in 1821, our state has a Jewish governor. Yes, it is a big deal that Gov. Eric Greitens, who was sworn into office Monday, is a member of our community. Greitens, who attended Parkway North...

Radical Moderation

Jewish Light EditorialPublished January 4, 2017

The polarization and vicious rhetoric on so many issues in 2016 made us feel like the middle was hollowing out of society. It seemed like everywhere, from the world stage to our Missouri backyard, people were lining up on opposite sides of a deep chasm,...

UN-settling Resolution?

Jewish Light EditorialPublished December 28, 2016

The world is still reeling from the surprise failure of the United States to veto a United Nations Security Council resolution last Friday, that strongly criticized Israel’s settlements in the West Bank and which broke with the longstanding usual habit...

Undiplomatic Nominee

Jewish Light EditorialPublished December 21, 2016

Before proceeding to the important arguments for why David Friedman comprises a poor nominee for Ambassador to Israel, it’s first important to acknowledge that some of the reasons given against him are fairly weak.For one thing, to say that Friedman...

Shooting in the Wrong Direction

Jewish Light EditorialPublished December 14, 2016

You either think the rough justice of the Wild West works or you don’t. We don’t. And most law enforcement officials don’t either.Yet Missouri continues to move further down the line toward frontier law. Last year, over gubernatorial veto, the General...

Fashionable Fascism?

Jewish Light EditorialPublished December 7, 2016

The headline for this editorial is in no way intended to make light of the alarming rise of extremist candidates around the globe. Like a long-dormant weed the extreme right has sprouted in once-solid democracies, and we’re no exception here in America. In...

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