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A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light


Dreams Deferred

Jewish Light EditorialPublished September 13, 2017

Now that President Donald Trump has threatened to cruelly upend the lives of 800,000 undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children, it’s up to Congress to make sure their dreams to stay in this country become reality.We say that Trump...

Healing, Help and Hope

Jewish Light EditorialPublished September 7, 2017

Floodwaters are receding in Texas and Louisiana after rain and flooding of biblical proportions, but the depth of the need for help in the wake of Hurricane Harvey is still becoming clear.In the space of just a few days, the world watched in awe as nature...

Wrong Way, Parkway

JEWISH LIGHT EDITORIALPublished August 30, 2017

Parkway School District’s decision to hold all four of its high school graduation ceremonies on a Saturday next May teaches a very bad lesson at a very tense time.It’s a bad lesson because graduation day should be a time where everyone comes together...

Seeking Détente in the Middle West

Jewish Light EditorialPublished August 23, 2017

The two political entities have existed side by side for decades, enjoying some fruits of cooperation but never fully trusting or embracing each other. Long-simmering resentments occasionally erupt into outright hostility, and no matter how many plans...

Abbas’ moderation is a sham

Jewish Light EditorialPublished August 23, 2017

For years Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has portrayed himself as a true “moderate” in contrast to his terrorist predecessor, the infamous Yasser Arafat.  With his kindly demeanor, and sporting a Western style suit instead of a kaffiya...

‘I’m hoping they find closure’

Jewish Light EditorialPublished August 17, 2017

The rededication of the Chesed Shel Emeth cemetery in University City, nearly six months after 154 gravestones were toppled by vandals, presents a good opportunity for everyone to take a step back and a step forward.Step back and gain some perspective...

Words Fall Far Short

JEWISH LIGHT EDITORIALPublished August 16, 2017

In the immediate aftermath of the deadly right-wing rally in Charlottesville, Va., on Saturday, it appeared that for once, President Donald Trump had a message that properly denounced the hateful views that inspired the violence.“We condemn in the strongest...

Lost in Translation

Jewish Light EditorialPublished August 9, 2017

President Donald Trump hasn’t exactly shown a lot of respect toward women over the years. Now, with his new immigration proposal, he’s dissing Lady Liberty herself.A large part of American greatness has been its generous spirit toward foreigners celebrated...

Transgender Transgression

Published August 2, 2017

During his campaign for the presidency, Donald Trump made it a point to seek support from the LGBT community, promising in a June 2016 tweet:“I will fight for you.”He failed to mention that he wouldn’t let transgender soldiers fight for him, or...

Apples, Oranges and Sanctions

Jewish Light EditorialPublished August 2, 2017

Faced with lopsided, veto-proof approval in both houses of Congress, President Donald Trump wisely pledged to sign into law sanctions against Russia, Iran and North Korea. He initially voiced strong opposition to the bill because it would place restrictions...

Cruel and Unusual at the City Workhouse

Jewish Light EditorialPublished July 26, 2017

After inmates at the St. Louis medium-security jail — better known as the infamous city workhouse — sweltered through last week’s heat, Mayor Lyda Krewson finally announced that the city has ordered four portable air conditioners for the facility. That...

Tension Mounts at the Temple Mount

Jewish Light EditorialPublished July 26, 2017

In Jerusalem, the city that houses some of the holiest sites in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, increasing violence by Palestinians against Israelis and efforts by Israel to contain the deadly crisis already have claimed the lives of at least three Israelis...

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