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A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light


Rabbi Lane Steinger is Rabbi Emeritus at Shir Hadash Reconstructionist Community in St. Louis.

“Heart and Soul” An Enduring Classic

By LANE STEINGERPublished August 2, 2017

“Heart and Soul” is the title of a song composed in 1938 with music by Hoagy Carmichael and lyrics by Frank Loesser. It soon became a jazz and big band standard. The 1961 recording by the Cleftones endures as a rock ‘n’ roll and R&B anthem....

Rabbi Dale Schreiber is a chaplain providing Jewish care coordination for Pathways Hospice and Palliative Care and has a private practice, Renewal-in-Action, specializing in resiliency, spiritual development and compassion fatigue recovery.

Hope is our antidote to fear

By Rabbi Dale SchreiberPublished July 26, 2017

Deuteronomy, the final book of the Pentateuch, is called Devarim in Hebrew. It opens with Eileh ha’Devarim – These are the words that Moses spoke to all of Israel on the other side of the Jordan in the 40th year. The book is a review of the incidents...

Rabbi Noah Arnow serves Kol Rinah and is a member of the St. Louis Rabbinical Association.

Fulfill vows with actions, not words

By Rabbi Noah ArnowPublished July 20, 2017

I was a little proud, and a little embarrassed, too, when I realized they had given me the hard part.  I was 18. It was the summer between high school and college, and I was in Jerusalem studying for a month at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies....

Rabbi Jonah Zinn serves Congregation Shaare Emeth and is a member of the St. Louis Rabbinical Association. 

Top quality of a leader: Leadership

By Rabbi Jonah ZinnPublished July 12, 2017

One does not need to look far these days to find someone questioning the qualifications of our leaders. It is a topic of constant discussion and strong feelings on television, social media, and daily conversation with friends and even total strangers....

The donkey and the blind seer

By Rabbi Dr. Neal RosePublished July 5, 2017

This week’s Torah reading finds us in the middle of the Book Numbers. The book begins with a very detailed description of the military and religious infrastructure to be used as our ancestors travel from the desert to the promised land. Yet the journey...

Rabbi Brad Horwitz is director of Jewish engagement and adult programs at the Jewish Community Center.

Admitting mistake is first step toward healing

By Rabbi Brad HorwitzPublished June 29, 2017

In Parshat Chukat, we read the well-known story about when the Israelites complain about lack of water. God tells Moses to speak to the rock, and water will come forth. In a moment of anger and frustration, instead of speaking to it as God instructed,...

Rabbi Josef Davidson

Parsha shows the ‘truth’ of effective argument

By Rabbi Josef A. DavidsonPublished June 21, 2017

In Pirkei Avot 5:17 we learn: “Every argument that is for the sake of Heaven is destined to endure, and every argument that is not for Heaven will not endure. Which argument is for the sake of Heaven? The argument between Hillel and Shammai. And which...

Rabbi Dale Schreiber is a chaplain providing Jewish care  coordination for Pathways Hospice and Palliative Care and has a private practice, Renewal-in-Action, specializing in resiliency, spiritual development and compassion fatigue recovery.

Listen to voices of wisdom and experience

By Rabbi Dale SchreiberPublished June 15, 2017

Shelach Lecha is the fourth portion in the fourth book of Torah, called Numbers or Bamidbar. God tells Moses, shelach lecha, send for yourself spies to check out what I’ve already told you is a good land. So Moses, at God’s request, deployed 12 sons...

Rabbi Scott Slarskey is Director of Jewish Life at Saul Mirowitz Jewish Community School.

Moses showed strength by recognizing his limits

By Rabbi Scott SlarskeyPublished June 8, 2017

Anyone who has graced the halls of a school knows that the nature of the work within those walls is boundless.  The amount of physical effort, time, and emotional resources that students can invest in learning and that teachers can invest in teaching...

Rabbi Micah Buck-Yael is coordinator of community chaplaincy at Jewish Family & Children’s Service and a member of the St. Louis Rabbinical Association. 

The work of schlepping

By Rabbi Micah Buck-YaelPublished June 1, 2017

Last week, I took on an intimidating task. I assembled a bookcase. I pulled out the pieces, got out the screwdrivers and hammer, cleared a space and opened the booklet of instructions. I squinted at the incomprehensible diagrams and tried to connect...

Rabbi Josef Davidson serves Congregation B’nai Amoona and is a member of the St. Louis Rabbinical Association.

Inertia is comfortable, beginnings are difficult

By Rabbi Josef A. DavidsonPublished May 25, 2017

It has been said that beginnings are difficult, and that old aphorism holds a great deal of truth. It has also been demonstrated as a law of physics that a body at rest tends to stay at rest, while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. This week,...

Rabbi Carnie Shalom Rose holds the Rabbi Bernard Lipnick Senior Rabbinic Chair at Congregation B’nai Amoona, and is a member of the St. Louis Rabbinical Association. 

Control of impulses is true sign of strength

Rabbi Carnie Shalom RosePublished May 18, 2017

“Who is truly strong? One who controls her/his impulses.”  –  Ben Zoma, Pirkei Avot, 4:1 Inspired by the upcoming bat mitzvah of our youngest, Ellior Liat, who will celebrate her coming-of-age this Shabbat Morning at Congregation B’nai...

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