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A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light


Portrait of Rabbi Josef Davidson

D’var Torah: We are equipped to resist fear, face challenges of tomorrow

RABBI JOSEF DAVIDSONPublished June 27, 2024

Despite the miraculous journey on which the people had been traveling, when faced with deciding on whether to continue going forward, the people were afraid. They looked back on the halcyon days when a strong authority figure determined the...

Rabbi James Stone Goodman

Shabbat Naso on heroin

By Rabbi James Stone GoodmanPublished June 13, 2024

It was Shabbat Naso, the longest parashah in the Torah, read in proximity to Shavuot, the great wedding celebrating the enduring wisdom given to us on a mountain top. We had prepared. Was it a complete gift, this wisdom, or did we turn ourselves...

Why Shavuot is the least-observed major Jewish holiday and 9 other interesting factoids

Why Shavuot is the least-observed major Jewish holiday and 9 other interesting factoids

Published June 12, 2024

This story originally appeared on Kveller  Shavuot is rather multifaceted; its date, significance, traditions, and evolution are filled with holiness — and many unknowns. Ask three Jewish educators why it’s customary to enjoy dairy delicacies on...

Four St. Louis Reform congregations unite for first ever intercongregational Shavuot celebration

Four St. Louis Reform congregations unite for first ever intercongregational Shavuot celebration

Jordan Palmer, Chief Digital Content OfficerPublished June 6, 2024

For the first time, four Reform congregations in St. Louis are collaborating for a unique Shavuot celebration. "Connections, Commandments and Cheesecake" is a joint effort by Congregation Shaare Emeth, Congregation Temple Israel, Temple Emanuel and...

Betrayal by a college fraternity reveals Torah's wisdom on true service

Betrayal by a college fraternity reveals Torah’s wisdom on true service

By Rabbi Josef DavidsonPublished May 16, 2024

Though it has been many decades since I was an incoming freshman in college, I remember well many of the experiences of that year as well as the three others that followed. One was the experience of rushing a fraternity and then participating on the...

Understanding the ‘goat demon’ verse in the Torah

By Rabbi Mark L. Shook, Rabbi Emeritus, Congregation Temple IsraelPublished May 2, 2024

This week’s parasha is acharei mot, and is found in chapters 16-18 of Leviticus - Sefer Vayikra. Following upon the sudden death of Aaron’s two sons, a detailed account of the proper procedures for the purification of the Mishkan is given. The wilderness...

Haggadah shel Pesah, translated by Sonia Gronemann and illustrated by Otto Geismar. Made in Berlin, 1927.
Isser and Rae Price Library of Judaica , CC BY-ND

From sumptuous engravings to stick-figure sketches, Passover Haggadahs − and their art − have been evolving for centuries

Rebecca J.W. Jefferson, University of FloridaPublished April 24, 2024

The Jewish festival of Passover recalls the biblical story of the Israelites enslaved by Egypt and their miraculous escape. During a ritual feast known as a Seder, families celebrate this ancient story of deliverance, with each new generation reminded...

Feeling stuck this Pesach? Rabbi Rosenberg may have the solution!

Feeling stuck this Pesach? Rabbi Rosenberg may have the solution!

Rabbi Brigitte RosenbergPublished April 24, 2024

Pesach feels different this year. Likely, we are all experiencing a mix of emotions; sad, angry, scared, frustrated, and stuck in place, like it has forever been Oct. 7. We’re supposed to celebrate with joy this festival known, as Zman Cherutaynu, season...

Soft matzo was once the norm throughout the Jewish world. Photo by Sam Lin-Sommer

No, your matzo doesn’t need to be drier than the Sinai

By Sam Lin-Sommer, The ForwardPublished April 19, 2024

This story was originally published in the Forward. Click here to get the Forward's free email newsletters delivered to your inbox. I look forward to Passover every Spring. It’s a raucous affair of wine, food and storytelling, and I can’t get enough...

Mehren und Mandlen Torte (Carrot and Almond Torte). Photo: Michael Kahn

From lamb to brisket: Discovering the diverse flavors of Passover

Margi Lenga Kahn, Special to the Jewish LightPublished April 18, 2024

Many are surprised to learn that the menus for traditional Passover meals vary widely within the Jewish world. For example, the traditional Sephardic Passover dishes might include Kodrero con Ajo Fresco (lamb with green garlic), Berenjena (savory...

Detective’s Revelation: Words come alive and lead him on new case

By Rabbi James Stone Goodman, Central Reform CongregationPublished April 18, 2024

He was accustomed to the close reading of texts, but on that day he sat with eyes that had never seen before and watched words on the page before him grow legs and dance, legs became wings, and words flew off the page like pigeons off of cobblestones.  On...

Marilen Pitler holds her special seder plate.

Unveiling the some of the quirkiest seder traditions in St. Louis


No doubt when Passover begins at sundown Monday, April 22, thousands of St. Louis Jewish families will be marking the holiday with a seder that evening and possibly the next during the eight-day holiday. Just as likely as the seder itself is having a...

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