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A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light


Michelle Weltman, Rabbi Lane Steinger, Esther Weltman and Joel Weltman participate in Friday night services at Temple Israel of Godfrey, Ill.

D’var Torah: Three readings to illuminate this week’s parsha

Rabbi Lane SteingerPublished November 14, 2024

Torah Portion: Va-yeyra, Genesis 18:1-22:24 Many rabbis and cantors — myself included — have been asked: “What do you do if a Torah Scroll falls to the floor?” (For the answer, read on to the end.) For this Shabbat, here are two texts. First,...

Justin and Michelle Esgar designed a menorah to commemorate the overlap between New Year's Eve and Hanukkah for 2024-2025.(Courtesy Justin Esgar. Design by Jackie Hajdenberg)

A Jewish couple created a disco-ball menorah to mark this year’s Hanukkah-New Year’s overlap

Jackie Hajdenberg, JTAPublished November 8, 2024

In 2013, there was the “Menurkey,” a turkey-shaped menorah, for the highly unusual overlap of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah. Now, 11 years later, a new holiday-mashup menorah is making its appearance. The Happy Jew Year hanukkiah features a spinning...

Portrait of Rabbi Josef Davidson

Making sense of language in the story of the Tower of Babel

RABBI JOSEF DAVIDSONPublished October 30, 2024

Recently seen on Facebook: “Ese momento when publican un meme auf English, Deutsch und Espanol aber du are poliglota und expert in memes and du kannst camprender drei languages al miso Zeit.” The reader who is as enamored with languages...

Why the legacies of these trailblazing rabbis are tied to this week's Torah portion

Why the legacies of these trailblazing rabbis are tied to this week’s Torah portion

By Rabbi Rachel Bearman, Congregation Shaare EmethPublished October 24, 2024

Every year, as we study this week’s Torah portion, Bereshit, I find myself thinking of two remarkable rabbis.  The first rabbi I associate with Parashat Bereshit is Rabbi Sally J. Priesand. In 1972, Rabbi Priesand was ordained by the Hebrew Union...

Ben Binyamin (left) and Gali Segal (right), a young couple who both lost their right legs on Oct. 7 at the Nova Festival, celebrated their wedding this summer. Photo by Israel in Chicago Facebook / Stand With Us YouTube Screenshot / Canva

This remarkable story will help us dance on Simchat Torah

By Areyah Kaltmann, The ForwardPublished October 23, 2024

This story was originally published in the Forward. Click here to get the Forward's free email newsletters delivered to your inbox. Gali Segal and Ben Binyamin, two young people engaged to be married, were among those dancing at the Nova festival when...

Is God the ultimate strongman?

Is God the ultimate strongman?

Published October 21, 2024

This story was originally published on Sign up for the Moment Minute.  INDEPENDENT I humbly refer the question to rabbis far older and more learned than I, beginning with the third-century Rabbi Yochanan. His response (in the Babylonian...

Discover the hidden wisdom of the harvest: A season of blessings and joy awaits!

Discover the hidden wisdom of the harvest: A season of blessings and joy awaits!

By Rabbi Elizabeth Hersh, Temple EmanuelPublished October 17, 2024

Autumn fills my soul with beauty. I take delight in the crisp air, and the artist’s array of beautiful leaves. The audible crunch of leaves under my boots is an old familiar sound. I welcome dusk at an earlier hour. The long evening stretches ahead...

Why I used to dread Yom Kippur—and how it became my most meaningful day of the year

Why I used to dread Yom Kippur—and how it became my most meaningful day of the year

By Rabbi James M. Bennett, Congregation Shaare EmethPublished October 10, 2024

Growing up, I dreaded Yom Kippur. Not merely the frightening and guilt-evoking liturgy of sin and repentance, not only having to go 24 hours without food, but also for the mood and the obligations of this challenging day itself.  Our family spent...

Rabbi Jeffrey Abraham

Moses’ last call: A lesson in listening and remaining optimistic

Published October 3, 2024

Living Jewishly is intense (in the best sense of the word).  The Aseret Yemei Teshuvah, the Ten Days of Repentance, are upon us. The penultimate parsha, Ha’azinu could not be more poignant. Almost the entire parsha consists of Deuteronomy chapter...

Portrait of Rabbi Josef Davidson

D’var Torah: Blessings and curses

Rabbi Josef DavidsonPublished September 18, 2024

A businessman boarded a plane to find, sitting next to him, an elegant woman wearing the largest, most stunning diamond ring he had ever seen. He asked her about it. "This is the Bexfield diamond," she said. "It is beautiful, but there is a terrible...

This Torah story reveals the hidden key to true happiness

This Torah story reveals the hidden key to true happiness

By Rabbi James Stone GoodmanPublished September 12, 2024

Ki Teitzei means when you leave. When we leave our expectations over the messes great and little, some we have made, some made for us. When we cease to compare the what-it-is to the what-we-wanted or the-way-it-was-supposed-to-be. When we leave behind...

The Hanukkah 2024 stamp is being issued as a Forever® stamp in panes of 20. This Forever stamp will always be equal in value to the current First-Class Mail® one-ounce price.

The Hanukkah stamp with no candles – What’s the hidden message?

Jackie Hajdenberg, JTAPublished September 10, 2024

(JTA) — As an art director at the United States Postal Service, Antonio Alcalá has designed stamps honoring Woodstock, the Emancipation Proclamation and Ezra Jack Keats’ children’s book classic “A Snowy Day.” But this year’s USPS Hanukkah...

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