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A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light


The Wise-Shuchart family’s Passover seders have included non-Jewish guests for three decades. 
Photo courtesy of Andy Wise

Families expand seder traditions with non-Jewish guests invited to Passover


Nearly 30 years ago, a popular local Passover event began. The Wise family seder has grown from a gathering of 15 to a high of 50. These seders also have been noteworthy for the faith of its guests. Usually, about half are non-Jewish. “What the non-Jewish...

Why some Christians eat matzo for Communion — yes, really

Why some Christians eat matzo for Communion — yes, really

By Mira Fox, The ForwardPublished March 24, 2023

In the Jewish world, matzo is usually eaten exclusively during Passover. But some Christians eat the dense cracker all year — every Sunday, for Communion. The news may come as a surprise to some Jews. But given the history of Christian affinity...

Some of the many kosher-for-Passover snacks on display prior to the holiday, March 2023. Photo by Faygie Holt.

Jewish shoppers struggle with highest prices in recent memory for Passover food

By Faygie Holt, JNSPublished March 23, 2023

(JNS) A woman pushed her shopping cart down an aisle filled with Passover foods in a supermarket in northern New Jersey. She lifted a box of kosher-for-Passover soup mandle—a type of cracker—off the shelf and started to stack it with the rest of her...

The Wise-Shuchart family’s Passover seders have included non-Jewish guests for three decades. 
Photo courtesy of Andy Wise

It’s best to prep non-Jewish seder guests, rabbis say

Bill Motchan, Special To The Jewish LightPublished March 23, 2023

Inviting non-Jewish guests to a Passover seder, while not technically a mitzvah, is a gesture of goodwill. It is also consistent with Jewish values of welcoming others into one’s home for a meal. If you’ll be hosting a seder and inviting non-Jews,...

D’var Torah: Each step of our  journey has a higher purpose

D’var Torah: Each step of our journey has a higher purpose

RABBI LORI LEVINE, Congregation Shaare EmethPublished March 22, 2023

Have you ever opened a book that was so technical and so outside your realm of understanding that you found it difficult to get through? Like the words were all in English, but you were reading without understanding a thing?  For many people, this perfectly...

What you need to know about Passover celebrations at The J

What you need to know about Passover celebrations at The J

Published March 21, 2023

The Jewish Community Center will offer two family programs to celebrate Passover. On Monday, March 27, join other families with children ages 6 and older at Pottery Hollow in Kirkwood. Participants can choose their own painting project (seder plate,...

The offline Passover Haggadah for an online world

By Menachem Posner, March 20, 2023

The Haggadah, the product of years of work in reimagining how the Passover Seder experience could be made easier to follow and more inspiring is available for the first time in hardcover this year, as well as in its popular downloadable and softcover versions. Now...

Cody Palmer.

Why some Jews “sell” their pets before Passover

BY MADISON JACKSON, My Jewish LearningPublished March 20, 2023

It almost seems cruel that National Puppy Day (March 23rd) takes place around the same time as the Jewish holiday where people sell their pets. Yes, you read that right. On the holiday of Passover, some Jews will sell their adorable, snuggly, always-ready-for-a-game-of-fetch...

Apple Matzah Kugel

How to make Apple Matzah Kugel

By Sonya SanfordPublished March 20, 2023

Apple matzah kugel is a classic Ashkenazi Passover dish. Just like many noodle kugels, this is a sweet kugel that is meant to be served with the main course at the seder. For a modern twist and some textural contrast, a simple streusel topping is added...

Matzah pajamas are back, plus a special discount for Jewish Light readers

Matzah pajamas are back, plus a special discount for Jewish Light readers

Jordan Palmer and Chief Digital Content OfficerPublished March 19, 2023

Matzah pajamas are back! The St. Louis Jewish Light first introduced its readers to Rabbi Yael Buechler who conceived of her PJs two years ago. “During the pandemic, since we weren’t going to be having any guests for our seders, I decided to buy...

Cantor-Rabbi Ronald D. Eichaker serves United Hebrew Congregation and is a member of the St. Louis Rabbinical and Cantorial Association, which coordinates the weekly d’var Torah for the Light.

D’var Torah: Shabbat bolsters our identity, perspective on the world


These 22nd and 23rd sections of our annual cycle of Torah readings (Vayakhei-Pekudei) opens as the Israelites are commanded to observe the Shabbat. Moses continues his acquisition of donations from the people to continue the construction and...

D’var Torah: Changing times

D’var Torah: Changing times

RABBI JORDAN GERSONPublished March 10, 2023

A student’s arrival on a college campus is often accompanied by a great deal of uncertainty. Students must adjust to a new environment, new schedules, and a new sense of freedom and autonomy. In response to these changes, students, even those that go...

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