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A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light


Is all coffee kosher?

Is all coffee kosher?

Rabbi Baruch Beyer, SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH LIGHTPublished May 30, 2023

Bedouins savor it thick and rich out of small ornate cups. Some like it black, while others must have cream and sugar. The adventurous will try one of the many flavored coffees available, while the purist would not hear of it. No matter how you enjoy...

Book of Ruth, work photographed by Ze'ev Raban, 1950, Center for Jewish Art Collection, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the National Library of Israel

Why we read the Book of Ruth on Shavuot

Mia Amran, Special To The Jewish LightPublished May 24, 2023

The Book of Ruth, read on the festival of Shavuot, documents the story of a young Moabite woman named Ruth and her journey of faith and devotion. The book is set during the time of the Shoftim (judges), a period of instability and moral decline in ancient...

In bestowing blessings on each other, we come closer to G-d

In bestowing blessings on each other, we come closer to G-d

By Rabbi Brigitte RosenbergPublished May 24, 2023

The priestly blessing found in next week’s parashah, Naso, is one that has been an important part of our people’s story for three millennia.   In the days when the Temple stood in Jerusalem, the priests offered this blessing on behalf of G-d to...

Upcoming Shavuot Events

Upcoming Shavuot Events

Published May 23, 2023

Shavuot at B'nai Amoona May 25 - May 27 B'nai Amoona  Thursday, May 25 - Erev Shavuot 7:45 pm: Minchah/Ma'ariv 7:57 pm: Candle Lighting 8:10-8:55 pm: Study Session with Rabbi Abraham -"Active Listening: How Can We Hear Each Other Better?" ...

A confirmation class in 1924 in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Shavuot: The Jewish holiday that became all about children

Laura Yares, Michigan State UniversityPublished May 22, 2023

For most American Jews today, Shavuot is not exactly a big-ticket holiday. Observance lags behind springtime Passover, and it pales in comparison to Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, the fall “high holidays.” But 150 years ago, Shavuot was the one day...

Rabbi Josef Davidson (center) with Gary Myers (left) and Liessa Alperin at Congregation B'nai Amoona's recent Mitzvah Day, where Rabbi Davidson was recognized. Photo: Bill Motchan

Everybody and their actions, small and large, count

RABBI JOSEF DAVIDSONPublished May 18, 2023

It’s difficult to imagine that anyone dreams of becoming a census taker, of going door to door counting the number of inhabitants and recording their ages, their genders, their relationships, and then counting the number of rooms in their homes, even...

B’midbar and Iyar take us from mourning to joy

B’midbar and Iyar take us from mourning to joy

Rabbi Seth D. GordonPublished May 18, 2023

Nissan and Tishrei are arguably the most well-known Hebrew months because of Pesach and Rosh ha-Shanah; others like Tish’a b-Av, the 9th of Av, are known by their date, like the 4th of July. As we begin the fourth book of the Torah — B-midbar / Numbers...

Guns in America headline

Jubilee year idealism shows way to counter gun violence

By Rabbi Amy FederPublished May 11, 2023

I signed up months ago to write this week’s d’var Torah. I remember thinking what a fun parasha this would be to share with you all. I love the discussion of the jubilee year and of the gifts made to the sanctuary, and of the idealism that closes...

The Jewish holiday that urges us to find our joy in everyday moments

The Jewish holiday that urges us to find our joy in everyday moments

Maharat Rori Picker NeissPublished May 3, 2023

The religious philosopher Mircea Eliade speaks about religion as attempting to transform the chaos in our world into the cosmos. Essentially, he says that we take that which is unknown — that which can be different and scary — and try to make it known. We...

After death, holiness? Responding to the scourge of gun violence

After death, holiness? Responding to the scourge of gun violence

RABBI JAMES BENNETTPublished April 26, 2023

We must have become numb to gun violence. Hardly a day goes by without another mass shooting in a school, shopping center, place of worship or public square. We don’t even know what qualifies as a mass shooting these days. Deaths attributable...

Jews being led to Umschlagplatz; photo taken from a window of St Zofia Hospital at the corner of Żelazna and Nowolipie Streets, most likely (to be confirmed) overlooking Nowolipie Street; author’s comment noted after the war at the back of the print held in the USHMM archive in Washington, DC:
”Scenes from the evacuation of the ghetto, ca 20 April 1943”
Photo: Z. L. Grzywaczewski / from the family archive of Maciej Grzywaczewski, son of Leszek Grzywaczewski / scan of the negative: POLIN Museum, Archaeology of Photography Foundation

The symmetry of storytelling can be an amazing thing, with the right story

Published April 20, 2023

We marked Yom HaShoa, Holocaust Memorial Day, on April 17-18. I don’t remember the details of the story, but I do remember some of the names. He was a survivor of the Warsaw Ghetto. We met him on sabbatical to Israel, mid-’90s. I was studying music...

Rabbi Noah Arnow

Jewish GOAT Moments

RABBI NOAH ARNOWPublished April 14, 2023

What moment was the G.O.A.T. in Jewish history? We often focus on our “lachrymose history,” tallying up tragedies, expulsions, destructions, and slaughters. It might be harder to come up with good moments. There is a certain intense relief and...

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