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A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

Dvar Torah

Deciphering clues from the Zohar and unveiling the unfinished business of Abraham's generation

Deciphering clues from the Zohar and unveiling the unfinished business of Abraham’s generation

Rabbi James Stone GoodmanPublished November 8, 2023

We bring down a clue from the Zohar, classic text of Jewish mysticism, that there was something chaser (missing) in Abraham’s generation that we are still struggling with, those of us who are its inheritors. The clues are everywhere written, and not...

Now is the time to seek solace in Torah, not justification

By Rabbi Amy FederPublished November 2, 2023

Over these last terrible weeks, so many people in our community and around the world have been struggling with very big questions as they try to get a grasp on the war in Israel. I cannot remember another time in my rabbinate when I’ve heard from so...

Understanding the story of G-d's covenant with Abraham

Understanding the story of G-d’s covenant with Abraham

Rabbi Lane Steinger, Rabbi Emeritus, Shir Hadash Reconstructionist CommunityPublished October 23, 2023

About a week before a Shabbat or Yom Tov, I peruse the Torah Portion for that particular occasion. Generally, I focus on one or two parts of the Parashah, into which I delve more deeply. When Shabbat Lekh L’kha approaches, I go over the Portion from...

Cantor-Rabbi Ronald D. Eichaker serves United Hebrew Congregation and is a member of the St. Louis Rabbinical and Cantorial Association, which coordinates the weekly d’var Torah for the Light.

Finding divine in ourselves helps build community

CANTOR AND RABBI RON EICHAKERPublished October 12, 2023

Starting this week, I am leading a study of a course offered at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill by professor Joseph Lam titled “Creation Stories of the Ancient World.” At the same time, we are beginning the reading and study...

The Miniature Torah

‘Turn it, turn it, turn it’ – The never-ending cycle to Torah continues

By Rabbi Brigitte RosenbergPublished October 5, 2023

This week we joyously celebrate the bounty of our lives during the festival of Sukkot. Even though most of us are not farmers, we think about the cycles of nature and, more specifically, the harvest season.   If we were farmers, while focusing on the...

Do the teshuvah you wish to see in the world

Rabbi James BennettPublished September 7, 2023

Is it possible to change? Can we actually make the world, or others, or even ourselves better? A well-known folktale from our Jewish tradition tells of a king who had a wayward son. In anger and frustration, the king banishes his son from the kingdom....

Portrait of Rabbi Josef Davidson

Parashat Ki Tavo: We’ve come a long way

Rabbi Josef DavidsonPublished August 31, 2023

Philip Roth was a controversial Jewish author, to say the least. I enjoyed reading his writing, and one of his books, in particular, was very impactful in my youth. It was the collection of short stories entitled “Goodbye Columbus.” The title...

Rabbi Noah Arnow

Longing for yesterday, grateful for today

By Rabbi Noah ArnowPublished August 24, 2023

When you think about earlier eras in American history, are you nostalgic, or are you relieved to be living today? It’s a generally conservative impulse to feel like life was better in some imagined or remembered past. And it’s a generally progressive...

The 2023 delegation from Washington University in St. Louis taking part in the Campus Leaders Israel Experience.

Pursuing justice through truth

RABBI JORDAN GERSONPublished August 16, 2023

I recently returned from leading a delegation of 19 students from Washington University in St. Louis to Israel to learn about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This fact-finding mission, called the Campus Leaders Israel Experience, travels through...

Creating a moral community is our choice

BY RABBI ELIZABETH HERSHPublished August 10, 2023

[Editor’s note: This d’var Torah was originally published in 2021.] From “Stories for Public Speakers,” compiled and edited by Morris Mandel: “A man was marooned on an island for years. One day, he saw a ship in the distance and signaled...

Why saying "thank you" after a meal is a kind and spirtual act

Why saying “thank you” after a meal is a kind and spirtual act

Rabbi Lori LevinePublished August 3, 2023

On a hard and arduous journey, one plagued by hunger, thirst, conflict and fear, it can be difficult to keep the end in mind. This is especially true of a 40-year journey during which an entire generation lost both the chance to see the destination and...

Women saying the Shema during prayer services at a synagogue in Medellin, Colombia. (Zion Ozeri/Jewish Lens)

‘Shema Yisrael’: A love letter to one another

By Rabbi Elizabeth HershPublished July 26, 2023

My earliest memory of prayer is my mother, of blessed memory, tucking me into bed with a kiss and the words of the Shema. To say that God is One, to know that this declaration of faith embraced me in the circle of love and belief of all Jewish souls who...

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