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A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

Dvar Torah

Rachel LaVictoire, 18, is a recipient of the prestigious Nemerov Writing and Thomas H. Elliott Merit scholarships at Washington University, where she is a freshman. She grew up in Atlanta, where she is an active member of Temple Emanu-El and the Marcus Jewish Community Center.
Rachel will be contributing regular commentaries and d’var Torah reflections, which will be posted on the Jewish Light’s website, — some of which will also be included in the Jewish Light’s print editions.

Plans for the new year

By Rachel LaVictoirePublished January 9, 2013

It’s strange the sort of emphasis that’s put on New Years. We have 12 new months, 52 new weeks, and even 365 new days, yet so many people see January 1st as a day of redemption — when past mistakes and grievances disintegrate and we can start fresh....

Rabbi Hyim Shafner serves Bais Abraham Congregation in University City and is a member of the St. Louis Rabbinical Association.

What it takes to be a Jewish leader

BY RABBI HYIM SHAFNERPublished January 9, 2013

In this week’s Torah portion, Vaera, God asks Moses for the fourth time to, “Go tell Pharaoh to let my people go,” to which Moses again  refuses God’s command.  Moses seems to be so reluctant to do God’s bidding as to be recalcitrant and rebellious. ...

Rachel LaVictoire, 18, is a recipient of the prestigious Nemerov Writing and Thomas H. Elliott Merit scholarships at Washington University, where she is a freshman. She grew up in Atlanta, where she is an active member of Temple Emanu-El and the Marcus Jewish Community Center.  Rachel contributes weekly d’var Torah reflections, whichare posted on the Light’s website,

A lesson from Grandma: ‘Live life without fear’

By Rachel LaVictoirePublished January 2, 2013

My grandma is sick. I say this with overwhelming blatancy because when someone close to you falls ill, your emotions can’t beat around the bush or be comforted by euphemisms. Four months ago, she dressed herself in high heels and sequined tops to meet...

Rabbi Roxanne J.S. Shapiro is Rabbi-Educator at United Hebrew Congregation and is a member of the St. Louis Rabbinical Association.

Keeping ‘Shemot’ in our memory

By Rabbi Roxanne J.S. ShapiroPublished January 2, 2013

Our Torah portion, and thus this book of our Torah, is titled “Shemot” or “Names”.  As we know, the title is often taken from the first few words of the portion.   Yet another name that was used for this portion was “sefer yetsi’at Mitzrayim”...

Rabbi James Stone Goodman serves Congregation Neve Shalom and is a member of the St. Louis Rabbinical Association.

Descent and Ascent in Parashah Vayechi

By Rabbi James Stone GoodmanPublished December 26, 2012

The portion begins, Vayechi, Jacob was living, really living now, even in Egypt he is meta-alive. We want to believe as he is drawing up his legs to die that real life, full life, can happen to him anywhere, any time, any conditions. He lived in the land...

Rachel LaVictoire, 18, is a recipient of the prestigious Nemerov Writing and Thomas H. Elliott Merit scholarships at Washington University, where she is a freshman. She grew up in Atlanta, where she is an active member of Temple Emanu-El and the Marcus Jewish Community Center.
Rachel will be contributing regular commentaries and d’var Torah reflections, which will be posted on the Jewish Light’s website, — some of which will also be included in the Jewish Light’s print editions.

D’var Torah: Questioning faith

By Rachel LaVictoirePublished December 19, 2012

Religion, by its very nature, is something that cannot be explained. While some are captivated by it, others see religion as nothing but a product of humanity’s extensive curiosity—a way of answering questions that are otherwise unanswerable. One...

Rachel LaVictoire, 18, is a recipient of the prestigious Nemerov Writing and Thomas H. Elliott Merit scholarships at Washington University, where she is a freshman. She grew up in Atlanta, where she is an active member of Temple Emanu-El and the Marcus Jewish Community Center.
Rachel will be contributing regular commentaries and d’var Torah reflections, which will be posted on the Jewish Light’s website, — some of which will also be included in the Jewish Light’s print editions.

Combining prayer and action

By Rachel LaVictoirePublished December 12, 2012

I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia on August 13, 1999. For two and a half years I received weekly chemotherapy treatments at Egleston Hospital in Atlanta. Armies of chemicals marched through my body, each with direct orders from doctors and...

Senior Rabbi Dale Schreiber is Jewish Care Coordinator and Oncology Chaplain at Barnes-Jewish Hospital, and a  member of the St. Louis Rabbinical Association.

At the end of one’s endurance, a light in the darkness

By Rabbi Dale SchreiberPublished December 12, 2012

We are coming to a close in the epic stories of Genesis, highlighting incredible family dynamics and how the children of Israel descend into Egypt. This week’s Torah portion begins mid-way through the Joseph odyssey with the Hebrew word Miketz. Onkelos...

Rabbi Brigitte Rosenberg is Senior Rabbi of United Hebrew Congregation.

D’var Torah: Acting from love greater than acting from fear

By Rabbi Brigitte RosenbergPublished December 5, 2012

One who acts from love is greater than one who acts from fear A few years ago, I received a Hanukkah card from CLAL (The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership), but this was not your “typical” feel-good card, rather — as CLAL generally...

Rachel LaVictoire, 18, is a recipient of the prestigious Nemerov Writing and Thomas H. Elliott Merit scholarships at Washington University, where she is a freshman. She grew up in Atlanta, where she is an active member of Temple Emanu-El and the Marcus Jewish Community Center.
Rachel will be contributing regular commentaries and d’var Torah reflections, which will be posted on the Jewish Light’s website, — some of which will also be included in the Jewish Light’s print editions.

D’var Torah: Family matters

By Rachel LaVictoirePublished November 30, 2012

       Do you remember that time when you were little and your brother took your cereal bowl, the really cool one with Woody and Buzz Lightyear all over it? How about your first “date” when that really cute girl in your class came over to watch...

Rabbi Jim Bennett is Senior Rabbi of Congregation Shaare Emeth and a member of the St. Louis Rabbinical Association.

A sibling reconciliation

By Rabbi Jim BennettPublished November 28, 2012

When I was growing up, one of my younger brothers and I shared a bedroom.  Only two years apart, our relationship was typically fraught with arguments, both verbal and physical. I recall tricking him, knocking him off the top of the bunk bed and him...

Rachel LaVictoire, 18, is a recipient of the prestigious Nemerov Writing and Thomas H. Elliott Merit scholarships at Washington University, where she is a freshman. She grew up in Atlanta, where she is an active member of Temple Emanu-El and the Marcus Jewish Community Center.
Rachel will be contributing regular commentaries and d’var Torah reflections, which will be posted on the Jewish Light’s website, — some of which will also be included in the Jewish Light’s print editions.

Finding the path to transcendence

BY RACHEL LAVICTOIREPublished November 21, 2012

The sky is blue. Everyone learns that at a very young age. The sky is blue, the grass is green, and the clouds are white. When you draw your parents a picture to hang on the refrigerator, you scribble green squiggles on the bottom and blue ones on the...

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