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St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

Dvar Torah

Rabbi Scott Slarskey is Director of Jewish Life at Saul Mirowitz Jewish Community School.

Gratitude activism: The people we see, the tables we share

By Rabbi Scott SlarskeyPublished September 21, 2016

The Middle School students of the Saul Mirowitz Jewish Community School had studied historical events that precipitated struggles for racial equality in the 1960s. They explored literature capturing divergent perspectives on lived experiences and the...

Rabbi Noah Arnow serves Kol Rinah.

Got to keep it separated

By Rabbi Noah ArnowPublished September 15, 2016

Ok, I’m going to come out and say it. I hope no one will think less of me.  Here goes.  I don’t like fruit salad.  I don’t like how all the fruits get mixed up and taste generically fruity.  I like my fruits individuated. I like my apples to...

Rabbi Hyim Shafner serves Bais Abraham Congregation.

All in the family

By Rabbi Hyim ShafnerPublished August 31, 2016

What are the Jews? Not a religion, for there are many who would say they are Jewish but are not religious. Not a nation, for a nation is identified with its land and shared culture, and Jews have not had a land for most of their history and do not share...

Rabbi Dale Schreiber is a chaplain providing Jewish care coordination for Pathways Hospice and Palliative Care and has a private practice, Renewal-in-Action, specializing in resiliency, spiritual development and compassion fatigue recovery.  

The grand command

By Rabbi Dale SchreiberPublished August 24, 2016

The Book of Deuteronomy really could be called the Book of Departure, as the Israelites are about to cross into a new land. It is called D’varim in Hebrew. It means the Book of Words, or Things. It also is referred to as the Book of Admonishment because...

Rabbi James Stone Goodman serves Congregation Neve Shalom. 

Af Tsu Lokhes: Do It In Spite Of

By Rabbi James Stone GoodmanPublished August 17, 2016

The parashah begins with the clue-word, va-et-cha-nan — and I entreated or I implored or I prayed — who implored? Moses implored God at that time, saying such and such.I perched on the text, just there, with the first word, because it’s about Moses,...

Rabbi Josef A. Davidson serves Congregation B’nai Amoona.

Finding the words

By Rabbi Josef A. DavidsonPublished August 10, 2016

This week we begin the reading of the fifth book of the Torah, Devarim (“Words”), with the parashah of the same name. The format of this week’s parashah as well as the entire book of Devarim is that it is written in Moses’ words and not as if...

Rabbi Jonah Zinn serves Congregation Shaare Emeth and is a member of the St. Louis Rabbinical Association. 

Jewish tradition offers shelter, sanctuary

By Rabbi Jonah ZinnPublished August 3, 2016

Each summer, I have the privilege of serving on the faculty at the Union for Reform Judaism’s Goldman Union Camp Institute (GUCI) in Zionsville, Ind. One day this summer, I was working with a cabin as campers  prepared to share reflections during...

Brigitte S. Rosenberg is senior rabbi at United Hebrew Congregation.

Parashat Pinchas: Lay your hand — kindle flames

By Rabbi Brigitte S. RosenbergPublished July 27, 2016

What would you do if one day you were told: “It is your time to die, get your affairs in order.”  What would you be thinking about? What would you want to get done? Need to get done? Can you even imagine how you would feel?In this week’s parashah,...

Rabbi James Bennett serves Congregation Shaare Emeth and is president of the St. Louis Rabbinical Association.

When passion turns to extremism

By Rabbi James BennettPublished July 20, 2016

When does passion turn to extremism? Sometimes it catches us by surprise. This week’s Torah portion, Balak, plays out this drama before our eyes. The narrative and poetry weave the tale of Balaam, a foreign prophet hired by Balak, the king of Moab,...

Rabbi Tracy Nathan is a Community Chaplain with Jewish Family & Children’s Service and teaches at B’nai Amoona, Kol Rinah, and Saul Mirowitz Jewish Community School.

D’var Torah: ‘Spring up, O Well!’

By Rabbi Tracy NathanPublished July 13, 2016

In Parashat Hukkat, our sages read the absence of water that follows Miriam’s death as alluding to the drying up of the well that traveled with the Israelites throughout their journeys, given as a gift in merit of Miriam (Bavli Talmud Ta’anit 9a).What...

Rabbi Micah Buck-Yael is community chaplain with Jewish Family & Children’s Service in St. Louis.

Don’t let fears silence voices of hope

By Rabbi Micah Buck-YaelPublished June 29, 2016

“Stop,” I’ve said. “You’re climbing too high!” “Don’t play with that, it’s sharp!” “You could get lost in those woods!” I’ve even said, to my embarrassment, things the really boil down to, “Careful! Don’t try that, the...

Rabbi Lane Steinger serves Shir Hadash Reconstructionist Community in St. Louis.

In lifting others, we, too, shine

By Rabbi Lane SteingerPublished June 22, 2016

The Israelites still are in the Wilderness. They still are preparing to inaugurate usage of the Mishkan/Dwelling-place, the portable wilderness Sanctuary or Tabernacle. Our Torah portion opens with these words: “The Eternal spoke to Moses as follows....

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