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A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

Dvar Torah

Rabbi Andrea Goldstein serves Congregation Shaare Emeth.

Eyes of justice, eyes of love

By Rabbi Andrea GoldsteinPublished March 15, 2017

This week’s Torah portion, Ki Tisa, includes the infamous tale of golden calf. While Moses is atop Mount Sinai, the Israelites make for themselves an idol to worship, one that they can see and touch, one made by the work of their own hands.This triggers...

Rabbi Hyim Shafner serves Bais Abraham Congregation in University City. 

Having a grown-up relationship with G-d

By Rabbi Hyim ShafnerPublished March 1, 2017

In the beginning of this week’s Torah portion, Terumah, Moses has just ascended Mount Sinai after the saying of the aseret hadibrot, Ten Commandments, and G-d now commands Moses to tell the Jewish People to collect funds for the building of the Mishkan...

Rabbi Hyim Shafner serves Bais Abraham Congregation in University City. 

Social, legal truths are found in the stones

By Rabbi Hyim ShafnerPublished February 22, 2017

This week’s Torah portion, Mishpatim, literally means “laws,” and contains a large array of interpersonal civil commandments and regulations. Just before this portion, the Torah teaches about the building of an altar to G-d. The altar, which symbolizes...

Elizabeth Hersh is Senior Rabbi at Temple Emanuel.

Parashat Yitro: We are called to help others, with humility

By Rabbi Elizabeth HershPublished February 15, 2017

Parashat Yitro is the ideal reading for a discussion about leadership and delegation. Moses’ father-in-law, Yitro, brings Zipporah and her two sons to Moses in the wilderness. After a reunion that involves sharing the accomplishments made only through...

Rabbi Dale Schreiber is a chaplain providing Jewish care  coordination for Pathways Hospice and Palliative Care and has a private practice, Renewal-in-Action, specializing in resiliency, spiritual development and compassion fatigue recovery.

A time for prayer, a time to act

BY RABBI DALE SCHREIBERPublished February 8, 2017

B’shalach is the fourth of 11 chapters in the Book of Exodus. It describes the Israelites ascent out of Egypt and records the dramatic happenings in the aftermath of the death of Egypt’s first born. B’shalach begins in chaos at the Red Sea and...

Rabbi Josef Davidson serves Congregation B’nai Amoona and is a member of the St. Louis Rabbinical Association.

Lifting the plague of darkness

By Rabbi Josef DavidsonPublished February 1, 2017

Growing up in Denver, one of my favorite places to visit was Cave of the Winds just outside Colorado Springs.Overcoming my claustrophobia, I found the stalactites and stalagmites fascinating, with their beautiful shapes and colors created from dripping...

Rabbi Tracy Nathan is a community chaplain with Jewish Family & Children’s Service and teaches at B’nai Amoona, Kol Rinah, and Saul Mirowitz Jewish Community School.

Take the long view and hold on

By Rabbi Tracy NathanPublished January 25, 2017

In 1853, Theodore Parker, an abolitionist and advocate for women’s suffrage and a Unitarian minister, preached these words: “I do not pretend to understand the moral universe; the arc is a long one, my eye reaches but little ways; I cannot calculate...

Rabbi James M. Bennett serves Congregation Shaare Emeth. 

Listen, learn, act

By Rabbi James M. BennettPublished January 18, 2017

Shemot, one of the most well-known and beloved passages of Torah, is this week’s Torah portion. Shemot begins the saga of our people that has become a foundational text for generations of people of faith. These words carry a universal message about...

Rabbi Carnie Shalom Rose is the Rabbi Bernard Lipnick Senior Rabbinic Chair at Congregation B’nai Amoona in Creve Coeur.

Finding strength, courage in tradition

By Rabbi Carnie Shalom RosePublished January 11, 2017

This coming Shabbat in communities the world over, the public reading of the Sefer Bereshit (the Book of Genesis) will be drawn to a close as we chant, study and quest to find existential meaning in the words of Parashat Vayechi — the final few chapters...

Rabbi Jessica Shafrin is PRN Chaplain at Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital.

Blessings launch good into the world

By Rabbi Jessica ShafrinPublished January 4, 2017

I have a tradition every Friday afternoon. It doesn’t matter where I am or where my mother is. I receive my Shabbat blessing. I have been in the car or in the grocery store, answering, “Amen, Shabbat shalom, I love you.”  Receiving this blessing...

Brigitte Rosenberg is Senior Rabbi at United Hebrew Congregation.

Light up the world: Be a Shamash

By Rabbi Brigitte RosenbergPublished December 28, 2016

Retweeted over the past week have been the words of Rabbi David Wolpe: “The Shamash is the candle that lights the others. Be a Shamash.” Important words for this season as we are reminded of the power of light but more specifically the power of...

Rabbi James Stone Goodman serves Congregation Neve Shalom and Central Reform Congregation.

We can do better

By Rabbi James Stone GoodmanPublished December 21, 2016

Sometimes I feel as if I am missing something in perspective in the radical now, the holy present that occupies my attention. The present is challenging enough to require my full attention, to be here, now. I don’t have the koyech (strength) to be anywhere...

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