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A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

Dvar Torah

Mira Davis is a cantorial student at Jewish Theological Seminary who is serving as a cantorial intern at Congregation B’nai Amoona this summer. She is a member of the St. Louis Rabbinical Association, which coordinates the weekly d’var Torah for the Light.

Treatment of Miriam persists for women today

By Mira DavisPublished June 20, 2018

In this week’s Parasha, Chukat, the Israelites are faced with two major blows to their community: the deaths of Miriam and Aaron. When Miriam dies, the Torah tells us “there was no water for the congregation; and they assembled themselves together...

Rabbi Davidson

Holiness is a goal, not a given

By Rabbi Josef DavidsonPublished June 14, 2018

In this week’s Torah portion, Korach, we witness a type of politics to which we American Jews have become accustomed. You see, Korach feels that Moses’ and Aaron’s leadership has become entrenched, that it is rife with elitism and nepotism and that...

Maharat Rori Picker Neiss

The road leads forward, never back

By Maharat Rori Picker NeissPublished June 7, 2018

Hidden away amid the famous story in this week’s Torah portion of the spies sent to scout the land of Israel, and tucked behind the suspense and drama of false testimony, communal wailing and the punishment of 40 years wandering the desert, we find...

Rabbi Scott Shafrin 

Reading and feeling the signs, and moving on

BY RABBI SCOTT SHAFRINPublished May 30, 2018

People often ask me how I chose to be a rabbi. For many, if not most, the decision to lead a life of religious service is at least a little odd. “There must be a story,” a neighbor of mine said recently.Often, however, my story is a letdown. Making...

Blessings from a place of peace and love

BY RABBI ELIZABETH HERSHPublished May 23, 2018

 The Priestly Benediction (Birkat ha-Kohanim) that we find in this week’s Torah portion, Naso, is my favorite blessing. In the words of Rabbi Steven Kushner, “Here the ultimate blessing is to be in perfect harmony with the Holy One.” This is...

Rabbi Josef Davidson

Torah provides guidance through joy, adversity

BY RABBI JOSEF DAVIDSONPublished May 10, 2018

When I was a very young rabbi in my first position as B’nai B’rith chaplain to the Mayo Clinic system’s hospitals, I met a woman from a Hasidic community during my rounds one day. As we were talking, she gave voice to a crisis in faith. As...

Rabbi Micah Buck-Yael is coordinator of community chaplaincy at Jewish Family & Children’s Service and a member of the St. Louis Rabbinical Association. 

Torah demands whole and holy leaders

BY RABBI MICAH BUCK-YAELPublished May 3, 2018

Parashat Emor opens with a list of laws and regulations that outline differences between the Temple Priests and the rest of the community: The priests must mourn differently, marry differently, treat their bodies differently and fiercely guard the ritual...

Rabbi Andrea Goldstein serves Congregation Shaare Emeth and is a member of the St. Louis Rabbinical Association.   

D’var Torah: Love and vision

By Rabbi Andrea GoldsteinPublished April 26, 2018

Our Torah portions this week are the double portions of Acharei Mot and Kedoshim. Parashat Kedoshim contains, arguably, the most well-known verse in the Torah – “Love your neighbor as yourself; I am Adonai” (Lev. 19:18). Sometimes known as “the...

Rabbi Jonah Zinn serves Congregation Shaare Emeth and is a member of the St. Louis Rabbinical Association. 

Words can hurt; use them responsibly

BY RABBI JONAH ZINNPublished April 18, 2018

As a child, I remember hearing the familiar refrain, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but names can never hurt me.” Even in my youth, I knew this was flawed. The ways we interact with one another and the words we use matter deeply, a lesson that...

Rabbi Josef Davidson

Serving others while suffering personal pain

BY RABBI JOSEF DAVIDSONPublished April 11, 2018

It was Tuesday, Sept. 23, 1997, when I received the call from my father that my beloved mother had finally succumbed to her metastatic lung cancer. At our congregation in Chattanooga, Tenn., I was deeply involved in preparations for the High Holy Days,...

Rabbi Jessica Shafrin is PRN Chaplain at Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital.

Matzah is the bread of our hope

BY RABBI JESSICA SHAFRINPublished March 29, 2018

Over the past many months, we have been on a journey together. We transitioned from the month of Shevat to Adar, changing our outlook to one of happiness and rejoicing as we prepared for the celebration of Purim. As we say, “mi she’nichnas Adar marbim...

Rabbi James Stone Goodman created Shalvah, an outreach on addictions, as a project of Congregation Neve Shalom. Neve Shalom also sponsors the Jewish Prison Outreach and JAMI StL, a compassionate approach to mental illness.

Lift up the remains of yesterday

BY RABBI JAMES STONE GOODMANPublished March 22, 2018

It starts with a command: Tzav. Same root as mitzvah. Here, though, there is an extra urgency. The voice of the Talmud came to me in my morning meditation. Extra urgency, Tzav, hurry! Do this thing.What thing? Lift up the ashes, thus says your Torah....

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