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A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

Dvar Torah

Rabbi James Stone Goodman

Bigger than enmity

By Rabbi James Stone GoodmanPublished December 13, 2018

By Rabbi James Stone GoodmanI had a conversation with a customs official one year while traveling to a foreign country. When he asked: occupation please, I said reading and writing. The man said, I mean what do you do for a living. I repeated: reading...

Maharat Rori Picker Neiss is executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of St. Louis and a member of the St. Louis Rabbinical Association, which coordinates the d’var Torah for the Jewish Light. 

Adding light to the world, a bit at a time

Maharat Rori Picker NeissPublished December 6, 2018

It is difficult to determine what is more fantastic: that our Torah is full of such dramatic stories of lies and deceit, or that the main characters in these stories are all the good guys.Jacob starts the cycle of duplicity. He tricks his father and his...

Rabbi Jonah Zinn

Fighting abuse of power is a moral imperative

By Rabbi Jonah ZinnPublished November 29, 2018

By Rabbi Jonah ZinnFinding meaning in the experiences of our biblical ancestors is an age-old struggle. With each weekly Torah reading, we seek to discern how these stories are relevant to our lives. These tales help us learn about ourselves. They provide...

Rabbi Roxanne Shapiro is on staff at Interfaith Partnership of Greater St. Louis. She is the vice president of the St. Louis Rabbinical Association.

A season of reconciliation

By Rabbi Roxanne ShapiroPublished November 23, 2018

Can you imagine the scene? Two brothers who fought mercilessly as children, who parted on nonspeaking terms,  who have not spoken to each other in close to 20 years, come together for Thanksgiving. How would they react to each other? What would that...

Rabbi Micah Buck-Yael is the coordinator of community chaplaincy at Jewish Family & Children’s Service and a member of the St. Louis Rabbinical Association, which coordinates the weekly d’var Torah for the Jewish Light. 

Drawing life lessons from Jacob’s story

By Rabbi Micah Buck-YaelPublished November 16, 2018

As a chaplain, I have the immense blessing of hearing people reflect upon their lives and share with me what insights have shaped them. Again and again, my breath is taken away by the resilience, wisdom, and creativity of our community. Very often I hear...

Rabbi James Bennett

Choose faith and love, not fear and hate

BY RABBI JAMES BENNETTPublished November 1, 2018

The traumatic effects of hatred are all around us. Killings, bomb threats, acts of violence and hateful rhetoric motivated by the evils of racism, anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim hatred, anti-immigrant hatred, prejudice and every other form of hatred abound....

Rabbi James Stone Goodman

Conversing with Maimonides with eyes wide open

By Rabbi James Stone GoodmanPublished October 25, 2018

“We are in the midst of a mental health crisis, and we are trying to deal with it in a proactive, integrated, eyes-open response,” Rabbi James Stone Goodman writesI was conversing with Maimonides’ father, Maimon ben Yosef, who introduced me, when...


Me, too? Sarah and Abraham, right and wrong

BY RABBI JOSEF A. DAVIDSONPublished October 18, 2018

A man goes on a business trip to a foreign country with his spouse. In preparation for this journey, he studies a bit about the culture, the people and the laws of the land. There is much to fear, though the reward of traveling there outweighs the fear....

Rabbi Tracy Nathan

Our generation of the flood has chance to speak

BY RABBI TRACY NATHANPublished October 11, 2018

I once shared Shabbat with a friend who had also invited several environmentalists. Someone raised a question to the group: What was or is your greatest environmental sin? I sat in the corner with a friend, bonding over our embarrassment at our lack of...

Rabbi Noah Arnow

Our words can create light for the world

By Rabbi Noah ArnowPublished October 4, 2018

Words matter. Words can create or destroy — a life, a reputation, a relationship, a movement, a moment. And words can create worlds. The first words spoken in our world were, “Let there be light. And there was light.” (Genesis 1:3) Creation here...

Rabbi Brigitte Rosenberg

On Sukkot, look around with gratitude

Rabbi Brigitte RosenbergPublished September 27, 2018

“It is not happy people who are thankful, it is thankful people who are happy.”  I love these words and find them so fitting for Sukkot. Coming on the heels of the Yamim Nora’im, the Days of Awe, Sukkot reminds us to stop, recognize the world around...

Rabbi James Stone Goodman

It’s time to tell stories about our lives

By Rabbi James Stone GoodmanPublished September 20, 2018

So you got fat [Deut.32:15]. God would have suckled you with honey from a rock and oil from a flinty stone, butter of cattle, milk of sheep, fat of lambs, but you became thick and kicked.You got private. You suffered silently. Well, you can always come...

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