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A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

Dvar Torah

The worst of us have a chance for redemption

The worst of us have a chance for redemption

RABBI CARNIE SHALOM ROSEPublished June 30, 2022

This week, we will once again be reading the Torah portion of Korach from the Book of Numbers. Named for the anti-hero and rabble-rouser of the tale, Korach — a cousin to Aaron, Moses and Miriam — this Parashah is one of the most intriguing and...

D'var Torah: We all have the opportunity to enter our ‘promised land’

D’var Torah: We all have the opportunity to enter our ‘promised land’

RABBI JEFFREY ABRAHAMPublished June 24, 2022

After a two-year hiatus due to COVID, the opportunity to visit congregants at Jewish sleep-away camps is back in my summer plans. I am excited to have this opportunity return and see our children in such a wonderful, informal educational setting.  When...

Torah gives us all a chance to be included in creating the sacred

Torah gives us all a chance to be included in creating the sacred

RABBI CARNIE SHALOM ROSEPublished June 16, 2022

“And the Almighty spoke to Moses, saying: Speak to Aaron and say to him, When you mount the lamps, let the seven lamps give light at the front of the lampstand.” (Numbers 8:1-2) All too often, I hear from my students about how “irrelevant and anachronistic”...

Rabbi Noah Arnow

D’var Torah by Rabbi Noah Arnow: Torah helps us see world beyond our ‘normal’

RABBI NOAH ARNOWPublished June 2, 2022

What happens when we look at a painting?  We see a familiar world through the eyes and brushstrokes of another, and suddenly it looks different from the way we normally see it. Poetry uses words we know to create unexpected images and comparisons...

D'var Torah: Welcoming a ‘Second Naïveté’ can help deepen our faith

D’var Torah: Welcoming a ‘Second Naïveté’ can help deepen our faith

Rabbi Carnie Shalom RosePublished May 26, 2022

This week, the world over, we will be reading and studying the Torah portion of Bechukotai, which is drawn from the Book of Leviticus. Our weekly Parashah opens with the words: “If you follow My CHUKIM (statutes) and faithfully observe My MITZVOT...

D'var Torah: ‘Earth-centered spirituality’ leads to harmony with the world

D’var Torah: ‘Earth-centered spirituality’ leads to harmony with the world

RABBI NEAL ROSEPublished May 19, 2022

What is Jewish time? I am not referring to our supposed casual approach to arriving at appointments or even at synagogue services. Rather, how do our spiritual teachers understand the nature of time? Rabbi Gershon Winkler teaches that “time...

D'var Torah by Rabbi Carnie Rose: Talk to one another with love, respect and holiness

D’var Torah by Rabbi Carnie Rose: Talk to one another with love, respect and holiness

RABBI CARNIE SHALOM ROSEPublished May 12, 2022

This Shabbat, we will read Parashat Emor from the Book of Leviticus. Like many of the other Parshiot in this section of the Chumash, Emor highlights the special responsibilities and obligations placed upon the Kohanim, the Priestly Class of Ancient Israel. One...

Rabbi Elizabeth Hersh

D’var Torah: Holiness toward others fans spark of the Divine


God spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to the whole Israelite community and say to them: You shall be holy, for I the Eternal your God, am holy.” This, to me, is the essence of our heritage. The simple beauty of these two verses declare that...

Photo: Bill Motchan

D’var Torah: Do not remain silent; pour out your hurt

Rabbi James Stone GoodmanPublished April 29, 2022

We begin with sadness in this portion. And so the maqam, the musical figure in our communities of the eastern Mediterranean  associated with this portion, is maqam hijaz. A maqam is a musical figure, a partial scale, a modal form. The word maqam is a...

Rabbi Neal Rose

Our approach to food can ‘reflect and enforce the Godliness that lives in all of us’

RABBI NEAL ROSEPublished April 29, 2022

This week's Torah reading contains additional details about Kashrut, our Sacred Diet. To better understand the significance of the details of Kashrut, we need to go back to the Creation story (as found in the first chapter of Genesis) which depicts God...

D'var Torah: Mordechai sets example of perfecting the world for all

D’var Torah: Mordechai sets example of perfecting the world for all

RABBI CARNIE SHALOM ROSEPublished April 21, 2022

Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach! We find ourselves this Shabbat celebrating the eighth and final day of the Festival of Pesach, which includes the recitation of the Yizkor, the Memorial Prayers, which are chanted four times annually. And yet,...

D'var Torah: Breaking matzah signifies oneness of Jewish people

D’var Torah: Breaking matzah signifies oneness of Jewish people

RABBI JEFFREY ABRAHAMPublished April 13, 2022

Passover is a time that accentuates the importance of oneness and unity.  On seder night, we remember our historic roots and re-experience both the dark days in Egypt and our miraculous redemption from bondage. Jewish people across the globe feel...

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