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A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

A nonprofit, independent news source to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community.

St. Louis Jewish Light

Dvar Torah

Mr. Krupp from Captain Underpants.

Rabbis wear underpants, too

By RABBI JARED SKOFF, Congregation B’nai AmoonaPublished March 6, 2025

When I was a kid, my friends and I read a book series called Captain Underpants. In the story, two kids unwittingly transform their school principal into a superhero. By day, Mr. Krupp is a grumpy, intimidating authority figure. By night, he is a superhero...

Choosing the right music

By Rabbi Noah Arnow, Kol RinahPublished February 5, 2025

A job for which I am highly unqualified is music supervisor. Music supervisors choose what songs will accompany a given scene in film or television. You have to know a wide array of musical styles and genres (I don’t), and be good at knowing just what...

Rabbi Andrea Goldstein

On Parashat Vaera: Do not harden your heart

Rabbi Andrea GoldsteinPublished January 23, 2025

This week’s Torah portion, Vaera, describes the first seven of the 10 plagues that God wrought upon Egypt so that Pharaoh would heed Moses’ pleas to let our people go. After each request from Moses and Aaron, Pharaoh refuses. A plague is brought upon...

Having character, advocating for change lift the world

Having character, advocating for change lift the world

RABBI ELIZABETH HERSHPublished January 15, 2025

Shmot is a portion of opposites. It begins with the names of Jacob’s sons who traveled to Egypt. The 11 brothers are listed by name. Furthermore, we read that the number of souls who made this journey totaled 70. Memory is crucial to the Jewish people....

Illustrating the story's themes of reconciliation, divine favoritism, and familial bonds from Sefer Bereishit.

From Cain to Ephraim: The untold Story of brotherhood, favoritism, and faith!

By Rabbi Eliezer Finkelstein, Bais Abraham CongregationPublished January 8, 2025

One of the main themes of Sefer Bereishit is the struggle between brothers. Cain and Hevel (Abel), Yitzchak and Yishmael, Esav and Yaakov, and Yosef and his brothers. Last week’s Parsha provides the culmination of the entire Book, with Yehudah refusing...

Are we repeating biblical mistakes? Lessons from Joseph’s pit of betrayal.

Are we repeating biblical mistakes? Lessons from Joseph’s pit of betrayal.

By Rabbi James Bennett, Congregation Shaare EmethPublished December 18, 2024

What we do and what we say matters; once we do or say something, there is often no turning back. One of life’s most important lessons is to think before we speak or act.  In reflecting on this week’s Torah portion, one cannot help but wonder how...

Portrait of Rabbi Josef Davidson

Dayyenu! An attitude for the season and for life

RABBI JOSEF DAVIDSONPublished December 11, 2024

There is an old story of a grandparent who was walking on the beach with a grandchild. They were enjoying a wonderful time together when, all of a sudden, a huge wave came onto the beach, sweeping the grandchild away. The panicky, fearful grandparent...

Jacob’s Ladder and Your Daily Climb: Finding Faith in Unexpected Places

Jacob’s Ladder and Your Daily Climb: Finding Faith in Unexpected Places

Rabbi Elizabeth HershPublished December 4, 2024

“A young boy was standing along the edge of the river. A man approached him and inquired, ‘What are you waiting for?’ Without hesitation the youth replied, ‘I am waiting for that steamboat to pick me up.’ ‘Foolish boy,’ said the man, ‘boats...

Rabbi Brigitte Rosenberg is senior rabbi at United Hebrew Congregation and a past president of the St. Louis Rabbinical and Cantorial Association, which coordinates the d’var Torah for the Jewish Light.

Parashat Toldot: The blessing of generations

RABBI BRIGITTE ROSENBERGPublished November 29, 2024

In Toldot, this week’s parashah, Isaac offers the following blessing to Jacob as he sends him from his home to find a wife with the clear hope that he will return to the land of his birthright: “May G-d bless you, make you fertile and numerous, so...

Michelle Weltman, Rabbi Lane Steinger, Esther Weltman and Joel Weltman participate in Friday night services at Temple Israel of Godfrey, Ill.

D’var Torah: Three readings to illuminate this week’s parsha

Rabbi Lane SteingerPublished November 14, 2024

Torah Portion: Va-yeyra, Genesis 18:1-22:24 Many rabbis and cantors — myself included — have been asked: “What do you do if a Torah Scroll falls to the floor?” (For the answer, read on to the end.) For this Shabbat, here are two texts. First,...

Portrait of Rabbi Josef Davidson

Making sense of language in the story of the Tower of Babel

RABBI JOSEF DAVIDSONPublished October 30, 2024

Recently seen on Facebook: “Ese momento when publican un meme auf English, Deutsch und Espanol aber du are poliglota und expert in memes and du kannst camprender drei languages al miso Zeit.” The reader who is as enamored with languages...

Why the legacies of these trailblazing rabbis are tied to this week's Torah portion

Why the legacies of these trailblazing rabbis are tied to this week’s Torah portion

By Rabbi Rachel Bearman, Congregation Shaare EmethPublished October 24, 2024

Every year, as we study this week’s Torah portion, Bereshit, I find myself thinking of two remarkable rabbis.  The first rabbi I associate with Parashat Bereshit is Rabbi Sally J. Priesand. In 1972, Rabbi Priesand was ordained by the Hebrew Union...

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