History of the World: Part Who?

BY THE BAGELS, Special To The Jewish Light

Greet this week’s newy and Jewy moments as we break down the pointless “Maisel” non-trailer; discuss the ADL’s new Entertainment Leadership Council; consider the Hallmark movie “Made for Each Other” (which features a golem, naturally); and examine the long-awaited “History of the World: Part II,” including our favorite “shpiely” sketches and whose voices seem to be missing from the enormous cast.

Plus: Esther airs concerns about scatological humor and Erin tries to make “Ashkeforward” happen.

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Listen to “The Bagel Report” on Spreaker.

Show notes

Here’s Samantha’s book — it’s an academic textbook, so it’s more expensive than most, but you can use this special code at this website to get a discount: LXFANDF30

Follow her @sampickette on Twitter