Save 30% and watch the new Israeli TV drama ‘Unchained’
Published October 12, 2022
Television series exploring the Orthodox Jewish way of life have become wildly popular over the past few years. Unchained, a new Israeli drama series now streaming on ChaiFlicks, gives Israel’s Orthodox community the detective-drama treatment to stellar results.
Led by star actor Aviv Alush (Valley of Tears, The Beauty & The Baker, The Women’s Balcony), Unchained follows a rabbi (Alush) whose mission is to help women receive a ‘gett’ — divorce by Jewish law — from their uncompromising husbands. The mystery and tension in his life come to an apex as he discovers the relationships within his own family aren’t as ideal as he imagined them to be.
Alush is most likely familiar to American audiences from his roles as the typical Israeli macho, whether as Amos in the classic rom-com The Beauty & The Baker or the pragmatic IDF commander in HBO’s Valley of Tears. In Unchained, Alush turns in a multifaceted performance that brings to life the gamut of challenges a man in Rabbi Morad’s theoretical position must face — issues that are as real to the Jewish community at large as they are to Orthodox Jews.
Morad is of Sephardi descent, constantly vowing for approval from his wife’s Ashkenazi family; He is both the representative of the Israeli Rabbinate — the very institution which controls Israel’s outdated marriage laws — and a heartfelt champion of these women’s rights to start new lives; and ultimately, he is also a man who is as devout to his religion as he is clueless about how to make his wife truly happy.
Avigail Koevary, Nathan Datner, and industry veteran Tikva Dayan round out a cast that lends itself to the mystery and pace of this unique detective show. If the warm reception Unchained received in Israel is any measure, the series is bound to find a receptive new audience in the United States as it streams on ChaiFlicks starting on October 12.
Unchained, an Israeli television drama starring Aviv Alush, streams exclusively on ChaiFlicks starting October 12, 2022.
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