New Jewish Theatre bringing historical drama to stage

The New Jewish Theatre will feature a historical drama about Jewish philosopher Baruch de Spinoza, with performances April 4-22.

The play is David Ives’ “New Jerusalem: the Interrogation of Baruch de Spinoza at Torah Talmud Congregation: Amsterdam, July 27, 1656.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, Amsterdam was a haven for Jewish refugees escaping the Inquisition in Portugal. A large Sephardic community resettled there and the Jews were able to practice their religion openly and peacefully. So much so that Amsterdam was often referred to as the “New Jerusalem.” 

Amsterdam’s Sephardic Jews had made an arrangement with the city to police their own community for unorthodox beliefs. When the city accuses Spinoza of atheism, the city’s chief rabbi summons Spinoza to the synagogue to defend himself and a trial ensues. 


Although no record exists of the trial itself, playwright Ives has imagined an engaging creation from his own mind based on the facts that are known. In the end Spinoza was excommunicated from the Jewish community of Amsterdam.

Several talkbacks are scheduled during the run. Those interested should call for more specific information regarding dates and facilitators.

Tim Ocel directs the production which features Will Bonfiglio, Jim Butz, John Flack, Greg Johnston, Karlie Pinder, Robert Riordan and Jennifer Theby-Quinn. The play is performed in the Jewish Community Center’s Wool Studio Theatre, 2 Millstone Campus Drive. Tickets are $36 for preview performance, $39 – $44 all other performances and are available online at or 314-442-3283.