Jews in the News: September 2016

Former St. Louisan and Jewish rock recording artist, Sheldon Low, has released his fifth album, “Life.” The first single off the album entitled “Shehecheyanu (To Life)” was selected as the opening track for NFTY Ruach 5775, giving Low the distinction of being the only artist with opening tracks on two NFTY Ruach albums. 

Jason Goldman, Scott Rosenblum, Drew Schwartz and Dr. Morris Seligman are four of the 35 who will be inducted into the Parkway Alumni Association’s Hall of Fame — Class of 2016. They will be honored on Nov. 19 at the St. Louis Marriott.

Goldman [North ’95] is part of the founding team of Twitter, Inc. He recently accepted a position at the White House as the President’s chief digital officer, overseeing digital outreach and leading its Office of Digital Strategy.

Rosenblum [Central ’75] is the president and principal founding member of Rosenblum, Schwartz, Rogers & Glass, P.C., in Clayton, as well as president of the Theodore McMillian American Inn of Court at St. Louis University School of Law. 

Schwartz [Central ’97] has worked to foster racial harmony in the lives of students and the neighborhoods where they live. In St. Louis, he is director of learning and career advancement at Education Plus (formerly Cooperating School Districts), as well as founder of the organization’s most recent education endeavor, Gateway2change. Since founding Gateway2change in 2014, he has committed himself to empowering youths by showing them how to become active participants in the ongoing process of healing and strengthening the community after the upheaval in Ferguson. 


Seligman [North ’74] is the executive vice president and chief medical officer of Mountain States Health Alliance in Johnson City, Tenn. In March 2016, Becker’s Hospital Review named him as one of the “100 Hospital, Health System CMOs to Know” for his clinical leadership and standards of excellence.


Evan Glantz is a member of the 2016-17 St. Louis Coro Fellows Program in Public Affairs. Over the next nine months, the 12 Fellows will participate in a variety of project placements in each of the following five sectors: nonprofit, government, business, electoral politics, and organized labor. This select group of Fellows in St. Louis is part of a group of 60 Fellows chosen nationally to participate in the program. The Coro Fellows Program in Public Affairs is one of eight leadership programs offered by FOCUS St. Louis to achieve its mission of preparing diverse leaders to work cooperatively for a thriving St. Louis region.


Former St. Louisan, Abby Eisen, is the Jewish Programming Event Planner at Sixth & I synagogue. She is responsible for designing, coordinating and implementing Shabbat dinners for 150 young professionals and five high holiday services for over 4,000 community members. The Sixth & I Historic Synagogue is a non-denominational, non-membership, non-traditional Jewish synagogue located at the corner of Sixth Street and I Street, NW in the Chinatown neighborhood of Washington, D.C.


Bank of Springfield (BOS) recently announced the appointment of David Wright as director of the Spring Bancorp, Inc. Board of Directors. Wright, a member of Congregation B’nai Amoona, is the owner of Lawyers Realty Co., LLC.


Robert Feldman is the new director of diversity and strategic partnerships of NextGen Information Services, Inc. His focus will be on building NextGen’s multicultural business relationships and expanding the firm’s international recruitment efforts. Feldman’s primary responsibility is to build and foster productive relationships in Mexico. A member of United Hebrew Congregation, he is tasked with developing innovative marketing, recruiting and sales efforts to cultivate the Hispanic market within the Uniuted States and abroad. NextGen Information Services Inc., a national staffing, recruiting and consulting firm headquartered in St. Louis.


The 2016 Gateway to Hope Visionary Award recipients are Jane Roodman Weiss, R.N., B.S.N. and Christine Lyss, R.N. They will be honored at the 7th annual KaleidoHope Gala on Oct. 1 at The Chase Park Plaza. This event honors those who have pioneered innovation, fostered the spirit of hope, and empowered positive change in the lives of patients with breast cancer. Weiss, a member of Congregation Shaare Emeth, and Lyss, a member of B’nai Amoona, are the program nurse managers of Gateway to Hope, a breast cancer lifeline. The mission is to secure comprehensive care and provide financial assistance for individuals in need diagnosed with or at high risk for developing breast cancer.