Jewish singer Micaela Diamond featured in Broadway’s ‘The Cher Show’ bringing her cabaret act home

Bill Motchan, Special For The Jewish Light

In 2018, Micaela Diamond, was cast in the role of Babe, the youngest version of Cher in “The Cher Show.” On April 26, Diamond, 22, will perform here at Blue Strawberry. She recently shared some of her stage secrets with The Jewish Light.

As a future Broadway actress and singer, was chanting a part of your bat mitzvah something that came naturally?

I will say I still remember the beginning of it, and I did sound very good at my Torah portion!

What was it like playing an iconic role like Cher?

I hope we did her story justice. I got a beautiful note from her that said, “You’re the perfect little me. Thank you for doing this.”


How did you preserve your voice between performances?

I drink a lot of water and I use cough drops. My dresser who changed my costume for me for quick changes, would know immediately which cough drop I wanted coming off stage for different numbers.


Do you have any superstitions when you go on stage?

Right before the act one finale I used to come from a very upstage position and find center and walk down in the dark and find my spot. It was also the hardest part of the show for me to sing, so I would be nervous about it. When I was standing in the dark by myself, I’d do a series of vocal warmups in the exact order before getting into the dark and then do a plié.


What kinds of things did you do to keep sharp when Broadway went dark?

I would do pretty heavy vocal warmups, especially towards the end of the pandemic. Even if I didn’t end up singing a song, I would just do a full 30-minute warmup every other week just to make sure that range was there.


What else did you do to stay connected to performing?

I starting teaching voice to young kids. I think the art of teaching is a little way to keep your own skills up and a way to keep your love for the art, too. Just because these kids love it so much, you’re reminded why you do it.


Did you take up any hobbies during COVID?

I went to culinary school. I think it’s really important to have loves outside of acting. Going to the farmers market, seeing what’s literally coming out of the ground this very week is what’s exciting to me about cooking.


Are you auditioning or prepping for any upcoming shows?

I am prepping for a fun roll that’s coming up in the fall. It’ll be announced later in the spring season. But it’s a Jewish role and I’m very excited about that.


What kind of songs can the audience here in St. Louis expect to hear from you?

I do quite a range of songs. Lots of Beatles, lots of Sondheim. I hit the whole map of things but I’m really obviously excited to sing some Cher songs.