Film screening, panel discussion addresses sexual violence

The St. Louis Jewish community will host a screening of the award-winning documentary “Brave Miss World” at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 2, to share the story of former Miss World Linor Abargil’s fight for justice. The 60-minute film will be followed by a 45-minute panel discussion moderated by Tonya Edmond, associate dean at Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis, whose research focuses on violence against women and trauma intervention. The event takes place at the Jewish Community Center’s Staenberg Family Complex in the Arts and Education Building, 2 Millstone Campus Drive. A resource room will be available for attendees seeking support and reference materials. 

Abargil was the victim of a violent stabbing and rape, just weeks before winning the Miss World crown. “Brave Miss World” documents her fight to convict her attacker and her own struggle to heal. Abargil speaks out about rape from the townships of South Africa, to universities in the United States. Ultimately, her refusal to be silenced triumphs, in her journey from teenage rape survivor, to Miss World, to empowered lawyer. 

The film screening and discussion supports Abargil’s mission to ignite conversation, promote awareness and support survivors. This program is a follow-up to the Jewish Federation of St. Louis’ L’Chaim event on Nov. 1, featuring Abargil as keynote speaker, and is being organized in partnership with the Jewish Film Society, National Council of Jewish Women St. Louis, Nishmah and Women’s Philanthropy with support from Kenetic Counseling and an anonymous donor. 

The screening is free for L’Chaim attendees and Jewish Film Society members, but RSVPs are required. Tickets for all others are $10. To RSVP or purchase tickets, contact the J’s Box Office: [email protected] or 314-442-3175. Teenagers are welcome. Parents are advised that this film contains explicit content. For more information on the documentary and Abargil’s campaign, visit